soilwise-he / Soilwise-userstory-epics

The Soilwise project aims to develop an open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils. This repo is a placeholder to steer the functional requirements of the system.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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UC4/US6 Collect & present usage information of resources #8

Open pvgenuchten opened 8 months ago

pvgenuchten commented 8 months ago

User story

As a coordinator of a soil carbon monitoring network,

I want to be able to get an overview of projects and products that are enabled by the data and information produced by my monitoring network. With open data publications it is often difficult to get a good overview of who is using your data and what products and result are they creating. You often have to rely on mouth to mouth to get this information or follow up scientific publications in detail. Systems requesting information from users to access the data/results such as JRC throw up what can perceived to be an unnecessary barrier, run into GDPR issues and are not able to capture data that is shared further by users.

So that I can justify the expenses and the need for future funding to management and funding authorities.

Critical success factor:

This US relies on other US that cover the ingestion of the relevant metadata about projects, datasets and knowledge this US needs to connect to.

Extended user story description:

I am monitoring network coordinator/data manager, who works at government agency/research institute, which focuses on soil monitoring in Flanders, Belgium in the role of scientist/data manager, my educational level is university (soil scientist, engineer, ….). My main target group are researchers and policy advisors who work in all land use types. I do/don’t have a soil science background. My digital expertise encompasses office programs. I usually use portals google and web of science to find information or data. I want to be able to connect datasets, projects and knowledge (papers, reports, …) that use data and knowledge produced by my monitoring network to my monitoring network.

For example this could be achieved by having a section in the entry with URL’s linking to other sections.

Business reason:

This will allow me to more effectively justify expense and continued investment in my monitoring network to the funding authority. It will better allow me to visualise the impact the network has and have hard figures on the usage. I will be able to reduce the time that needs to be spend to get this information or justify the spending through other means (consultancy, extensive networking, …). ….

Acceptance criteria:

pvgenuchten commented 6 months ago

meeting 28-2-2024:

dluts commented 6 months ago

Extend with information about how results can be shown (API-access is must have and GUI is should have).

Extend with functionality on storing the queries/results (is it needed?) + a notification system (signal when a new linked paper pops up?)

Both for DOI and non-DOI (but with other uuid) content.

User access management functionality, not really necessary at face value, because information is assumed to be public (metadata) or it is assumed that direct access to private information is not necessary, only after processing and aggregation by the SoilWise platform.

Potential new user story on requesting users to add linkages when providing metadata to SoilWise (a new independent functionality from providing metadata or an extension of existing functionality).