soilwise-he / governance

a repository to capture tasks which should be resolved at the governance level
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Endorse codelists #2

Open pvgenuchten opened 3 months ago

pvgenuchten commented 3 months ago

Codelists are best endorsed/mandated by an authority or vivid community

How will Soilwise interact with authorities/communities to have soil codelists adopted?

Current and upcoming codelist initiatives, which may need confirmation by a EU authority

New codelists on soil health indicators

A governance model for maintenance of codelists should be available for any endorsed codelist

Codelist repositories should be persistent and standardised (SKOS)

Are current codelists compatible with definitions in legislation?

fennyvanegmond commented 1 month ago

I'm assuming codelists in this issue equals vocabs. Since the observable properties and procedure descriptions are actually among the most relevant ones for applications

fennyvanegmond commented 1 month ago

I assume the soil health (legislation) and other legislation codelists and vocabs will be registered to INSPIRE at some point. Does anyone know who is responsible for that? DG DEGIS/a responsible person within each DG (ENV, AGRI, CLIMA, DEGIS, etc)? Or a JRC INSPIRE department?

fennyvanegmond commented 1 month ago

I'm working with the IUSS WRB and SIS WG's to try to arrange governance on the WRB codelists and possibly GloSIS and other soil related vocabs. More news on that towards the end of May hopefully.

pvgenuchten commented 1 month ago

Each memberstate has a national contact point for inspire, this is the typical role to submit changes to the inspire registry, for European institutions, I’m not aware of the route.

pvgenuchten commented 1 month ago

Vocab and codelist are not equal, vocabulary or thesaurus or glossary are a list of terms with their meaning. A code list or enumeration lists potential values of a property. Third similar type is the ontology or data model, which defines types and relations between types and can include enumerations for type properties

fennyvanegmond commented 1 month ago

I know the difference between codelists and vocabs, but my point was that governance for both codelists and vocabs is needed and perhaps the vocabs are even more important. Many relevant soil properties are continuous, not class variables. So if we discuss governance of the codelists, we should include the vocabs that belong to the same ontologies and classification systems as well.