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harvest memberstate IACS data #2

Open pvgenuchten opened 3 months ago

pvgenuchten commented 3 months ago

Dutch aiacs data (parcels + yearly crop) is available via (harvested from

Mind for 2023 this is a 4GB SQLITE database

Would be good to harvest this metadata

Netherlands (RVO) maintains a codelist for crops planted on these parcels. In practice this codelist is extended on a yearly basis. Currently the crop codelist is not harmonised over europe (as far as we know)

In the project agrodatacube a mapping is being prepared to map the codelist of the netherlands to a botanic taxonomy, would be interesting to repeat this exercise for germany/belgium... to see if a single treatment of the data could be valid for both countries

You will notice that the size of the dataset has increased substantially over the last years, this relates to the fact that legislation indicates to be more precise on deliniation on for example borders next to water, which require a 3m buffer


It is important to understand where other countries share there IACS data, Spain and Italy share it via, but it is not clear how persistent this initiative is

Fenny mentioned EUrope is setting up an initiative to share where member state data is published. Paul to check status.

pvgenuchten commented 3 months ago

IACS data are typically collected in a national LPIS system

A query on LPIS in the INSPIRE geoportal gives quite some results, mostly because some of the memberstates have LPIS set up regionally. Results from quite a number of memberstates:


other relevant keywords are Common agricultural policy, GSAA and IACS