soimort / translate-shell

:speech_balloon: Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc.
The Unlicense
6.94k stars 391 forks source link

unexpected characters changed to encoding when tried with the tool #420

Closed mundey closed 3 years ago

mundey commented 3 years ago

scenario: tried to translate parts of text in source (html/go/js). encoding for '=' didn't change back in output and converted to u003d

command used:

trans -brief zh-CN:en file://example.txt -o example-out.txt

input example file content:

          <el-form-item label="字典名称" prop="dictType">

actual output file:

<el-form-item labelu003d"Dictionary name" propu003d"dictType">

expected / output using web browser:

<el-form-item label="Dictionary name" prop="dictType">

i tried with -no-ansi but i guess it's not right option here is output with -D

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content = '''
[[["\u003cel-form-item label\u003d\"Dictionary name\" prop\u003d\"dictType\"\u003e","\u003cel-form-item label\u003d\"字典名称\" prop\u003d\"dictType\"\u003e",null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[["51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141",""]]]],[null,null,null,"\u003cEl-form-item label\u003d\"zìdiǎn míngchēng\" prop\u003d\"dictType\"\u003e"]],null,"zh-CN",null,null,[["\u003cel-form-item label\u003d\"字典名称\" prop\u003d\"dictType\"\u003e",null,[["\u003cel-form-item label\u003d\"Dictionary name\" prop\u003d\"dictType\"\u003e",0,true,false,[3]],["\u003cEl-form-item label \u003d \"dictionary name\" prop \u003d \"dictType\"\u003e",0,true,false,[0]]],[[0,43]],"\u003cel-form-item label\u003d\"字典名称\" prop\u003d\"dictType\"\u003e",0,0]],1,[],[["zh-CN"],null,[1],["zh-CN"]],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[null,2]]

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❯ trans -V
Translate Shell

platform              Linux
terminal type         xterm-256color
bi-di emulator        [N/A]
gawk (GNU Awk)        5.1.0
fribidi (GNU FriBidi) 1.0.10
audio player          mpg123
terminal pager        less
web browser           xdg-open
user locale           en_CA.UTF-8 (English)
home language         en
source language       auto
target language       en
translation engine    google
proxy                 [NONE]
user-agent            Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36
ip version            [DEFAULT]
theme                 default
init file             [NONE]

Report bugs to:

Thank you for peeking into the issue.

soimort commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Fixed now.