sokolhessnerlab / bst

Data analysis code related to BST (bias, stress, and trust)
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Self-Report Questionnaire Data for Analysis #7

Closed EvrimBaykal closed 3 months ago

EvrimBaykal commented 5 months ago

Pertinent BST questionnaire data will be entered and saved into digital format for data wrangling and analysis. Outlined below are the steps for this data entry process.

BST Questionnaire to input:

BST Questionnaire Entry Procedures:

  1. Connect to Eduroam wifi connection (If you are not using Eduroam wifi, you will need to use VPN to access the drive. See VPN post below for more info.)

  2. Go to “Finder” -> “Go” -> “Connect to Server” (alternatively, use Command+K)

  3. Connect to the SHLAB drive (smb:// Psychology/shlab)

    • Use your DU username (i.e., john.doe) and password. DU username might need the ending.
  4. Once connected to SHLAB drive:

    • Find and open folder “Projects”
    • Find and open folder “BST”
    • Find and open folder “data”
    • Find and open folder “scannedpaperdocs”
  5. Find the two files that correspond to the data you are entering (i.e., "BST_Scanned_IMS_EMS.pdf" and “BST_IMS_EMS_Data.csv”)

    • In the scannedpaperdocs folder, you will find the scanned questionnaires for ALL participants (i.e., "BST_Scanned_xxxx.pdf" ) and the corresponding data entry spreadsheet “BST_Data_xxxx.csv “.
  6. Enter the questionnaire data for each participant.

NOTE: Some questionnaires (i.e.,IMS-EMS and MRS) have universal data ranges across questions. Other questionnaires (i.e., SRS and CM) data entry ranges vary across questions. (See individual survey instructions post for more details on how to code the specific questionnaire data.)

Standard, safe practices for entering questionnaire data:

  1. Please, take care to check your data after each participant
  2. Practice periodically checking that the data in columns are within range (i.e., if data range is 1-7, check that all data in the column falls between 1-7.)
  3. Make sure to save your work regularly and back into the drive.
  4. Save your updated file as a .csv. Note: csv files will not save formatting (i.e. formulas, centering, etc.).
  5. For IRB reasons, please do not share or talk about this data with anyone outside our lab.

Feel free to reach out to @EvrimBaykal with any questions that arise!

EvrimBaykal commented 5 months ago

@psokolhessner is there anything you'd like to add to the procedures above? I will post instructions for each questionnaire's data entry procedure, as well as more info on accessing VPN, separately.

EvrimBaykal commented 5 months ago

Link to Instructions for Accessing the Drive

Link to Instructions for VPN Set-Up and Use

EvrimBaykal commented 4 months ago

@natalie-rahmeier @JustRBlake

Here are the updated instuctions for entering scanned documents:

Participant Checklists - Enter the integer for the 3 questions highlighted below.

Instructions: Open the BST_Data_Checklists.csv and corresponding BST_Scanned_Checklists.pdf. Enter each participant’s “trial number”, “bonus earned”, and “total study payment” under the “Economic Interactions Payout”. Simply enter the integers, not the dollar sign.

Note: There is a day 1 and day 2 for each participant with the exception of a few. Day 2 appears first in the scanned docs, so for ease of data entry, Day 2 is also first in the .csv file. Consider double checking that each participant’s day 2 date is after their day 1 date in the .csv.

Post Task Survey Day 1 - Enter the corresponding integer or string per question (see below).

Instructions: Open the BST_Data_CPTRating_PostTaskSurvey_D1.csv and corresponding BST_Scanned_CPTRating_PostTaskSurvey_D1.pdf. Enter each participant’s question numbers in the .csv. For all questions, simply enter the integer response.

Post Task Survey Day 2 - Enter the corresponding integer or string per question (see below).

Instructions: Open the BST_Data_CPTRating_PostTaskSurvey_D2.csv and corresponding BST_Scanned_CPTRating_PostTaskSurvey_D2.pdf. Enter each participant’s question numbers in the .csv. For most questions, simply enter the corresponding integer response. For Q16, enter 0 for “no” and 1 for “yes”.

EvrimBaykal commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the help with this @JustRBlake and @natalie-rahmeier !