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Update Docs Core Concepts pages #158

Closed ZYJLiu closed 2 months ago

ZYJLiu commented 3 months ago

Update Core Concepts section of docs

Include following pages:

jacobcreech commented 3 months ago

Let's clean these up and get what we have live, then move on to the other pages

jacobcreech commented 2 months ago

Ready for another round of reviews @ZYJLiu ?

ZYJLiu commented 2 months ago

yep ready 👍

ZYJLiu commented 2 months ago

any recommendations for best way to find the various links that need to be updated?

My review of this PR is still in progress, but here are my current comments.

  • why did you move the pages that were under core/transactions to the advanced section?
  • I think retrying and versioned makes sense to do this move, but not fees
  • in fact, I think this core/transactions/fees and the core/rent doc should be combined into a generic "core/fees" docs

    • with a rework / merging with the intro pages (or better yet deleting those intro pages)
  • why did you delete the transaction confirmation page?
  • why did you delete the rent doc?
  • why did you delete the runtime doc?
  • it looks like you split the cpi doc into 3 different docs? and added some other info into them?

    • why split into multiple vs add all the content into the original cpi doc?

throughout, for any of the pages your moved or deleted, you did not update the links to them in the docs you did not modify. these links all need to be updated to their correct final location

nickfrosty commented 2 months ago
  • mainly trying to clean up core concepts section so its just the most basics topics to get started, the addition transaction pages are kind of more "good to know" type of info. Confirmation/Retry are also pretty big pages that I haven't looked into updating. Using Advanced Concepts section to put pages that have topics to keep, but pages not updated.

gotcha, makes sense. I'm game! FYI: I just updated confirmation a few days ago, which is also why it is also a merge conflict on your PR

  • there's two transaction fee pages for some reason which probably needs to get consolidated. Also version transaction and LUT should be updated as one page since LUT is the only use case for versioned transactions.

totally agree on the version and LUt page being combined (and most of the versions doc going into a guide). there is a task item in the notion doc that has this item as well

  • agree those should get combined

nice! great minds :)

  • will add this back under advanced topic, must of missed when adding back

sounds good

  • don't think rent really needs its own page, its mentioned briefly under Solana Account Model page

let's combine the contents of this with the transaction fees page, making one master core concepts "fees" page

while I agree about it being full of "random facts", it also has most of the docs information about the compute budget. so we need to at least move that content somewhere that makes sense. maybe inside that "master fees" core concept doc I mentioned above? compute and compute budget is sort of a fee? the doc could be titled "fees and compute" or something similar?

  • split the cpi doc into three bc of the issue with the table of contents where you can't have multiple headings with the same name (it always navs to the first one).

that makes more sense as to why split them. I think we should put the sub pages into guides or the new cookbook section. and maybe add more context into the main cpi doc if needed. this also aligns with your first point above about simplifying the core concepts section

any recommendations for best way to find the various links that need to be updated?

the best option is to just ctrl+f the project in your editor

ZYJLiu commented 2 months ago

updated the page links by ctrl-f using original* paths

I updated any links to /docs/core/transactions/fees to /docs/intro/transaction-fees, which will probably need to be updated again with the new Fees page

I didn't update the links to /docs/core/runtime since this is a removed page and not sure how you. want to update the links. Most are linking to compute-budget, which are also part of the new Fees page.

ZYJLiu commented 2 months ago

moved cpi/program examples out to guides as discussed