solarized / xresources

Solarized for X Windows
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Display Managers wreck this .Xresources file #1

Closed etherealite closed 9 years ago

etherealite commented 11 years ago

If you add this to your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults when using the Gnome Display Manager (possibly many others), it will run xrdb with the -nocpp flag, which will cause your define statements such as #define S_base03 #002b36 to be ignored. Terminals and apps will substitute there own values, and you end with a mess, and in some cases unuseable terminals. URXVT is solid pink with text of the exact same color so you can't even use it. Please factor out the #define statements or offer a warning about this unwanted behavior in the readme.

musteresel commented 11 years ago

As a workaround you could try to read the file by your self, using any startup script and call xrdb -merge FILE

oconnor663 commented 11 years ago

Here's a version of the Solarized Dark .Xresources without the #define's. It's working fine for me in Gnome.

*background:              #002b36
*foreground:              #839496
*fading:                  40
*fadeColor:               #002b36
*cursorColor:             #93a1a1
*pointerColorBackground:  #586e75
*pointerColorForeground:  #93a1a1

*color0:                  #073642
*color1:                  #dc322f
*color2:                  #859900
*color3:                  #b58900
*color4:                  #268bd2
*color5:                  #d33682
*color6:                  #2aa198
*color7:                  #eee8d5
*color9:                  #cb4b16
*color8:                  #002b36
*color10:                 #586e75
*color11:                 #657b83
*color12:                 #839496
*color13:                 #6c71c4
*color14:                 #93a1a1
*color15:                 #fdf6e3
TrevorBramble commented 11 years ago

Is that Gnome 3+ behavior? Worked for me in the 2.x world. =^/ I've only been using XDM in recent years so hadn't noticed that problem.

I would recommend @DanielOertwig's suggestion if you find it convenient, but if that proves awkward just merge the solarized .Xresources content and generate a compatible file like this:

$ mv .Xresources .Xresources.solarized
$ xrdb -merge .Xresources.solarized
$ xrdb -query > .Xresources

For what it's worth, @altercation and I have discussed a script to generate the appropriate file and intend to experiment with it at some point.

blueyed commented 9 years ago

@TrevorBramble Is that the script you've mentioned in