solarmon / RGBtoHDMI

RGBtoHDMI Projects
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STM Binary #7

Open venice1200 opened 3 months ago

venice1200 commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am going to build your RGB2HDMI FlashFloppy OSD Project but I don’t know how to build the firmware for the STM.

Is there a prebuild binary available from your end?

And do you have any plans plans to patch the current OSD Version from keirf with your changes?

Many Thanks

solarmon commented 3 months ago


Do you mean my forked repo for OSD at?:

If I remember correctly, the only change I did was to add the RGBtoHDMI 3-button example (in

So you could probably easily make this change to the source file of the original repo at

Sorry, I don't have any pre-built binaries. I can't even remember how to build it without looking in to it again.

solarmon commented 3 months ago

The build guide from keirf's flashfloppy-osd repo is at:

venice1200 commented 3 months ago

Many thanks for your response.

Does this means the RGB2HDMI OSD via HDMI works out of the box when i build and use your hardware, even with an unmodified FF_OSD Software from keirf?

solarmon commented 3 months ago

Well, it will work but without the three button integration - so you cannot use the keyboard to control the RGBtoHDMI menu (using F1, F2 and F3 - or whatever button you assign in default_config.c)

solarmon commented 3 months ago

I have updated the README (for to mention the button mapping changes required, and link to how to build the Blue Pill firmware:

venice1200 commented 3 months ago

I will try!

Many Thx

venice1200 commented 3 months ago

Hi again, C1 of the Denise Adapter v1.1 is marked as a unipolar 10uF Capacitator. But the footprint picture looks like a "normal" Ceramic one. Is a bipolar one fine as well?


Are all SMD Parts 0805?


solarmon commented 3 months ago


Thank you for pointing this out.

It looks like that C1 symbol was used in the original c0pperdragon schematic (I think) and got transferred over when I made my spinoff versions.

The actual board design and the footprint used is for an 0805 bipolar SMD capacitor.

venice1200 commented 2 months ago

I got the boards and the CPLD and the other parts solderred. I have checked every conection to the PI, everthing looks fine, but the CPLD can't be programmed.

8/12 bit board detected
CPLD  Design: 3-12_BIT_BBC
CPLD Version: c.f

Any idea what can be the problem?

I left the same question at

Full log attached. 2024-05-05_Serial_Log.txt

solarmon commented 2 months ago


Which RGBtoHDMI board did you build?

Check that non of the CPLD chip pins are shorted or have dry connections. Also check the resistors and caps are OK and connected to where they should be.

venice1200 commented 2 months ago

I built a Denise Adapter v1.1.

I have already checked the whole board as good as possible.

solarmon commented 2 months ago

Which CPLD chip are you using - what is the exact part number and where did you get it from?

IanSB commented 2 months ago


The CPLD is already programmed with some other firmware. The fix on a normal CPLD board is to cut JP1, JP2 & JP4 for first programming and then remake them. Are those jumpers present on your board?

solarmon commented 2 months ago


Unfortunately, there are no such jumpers on my board design - so those tracks will need to be physically cut.

venice1200 commented 2 months ago

I am using a XC9572XL VQFP44.

TCK (44), TMS (6) and TDI (7) are connected to a dedicated PinHeader on the board together with the pins 11,10 and 9.


@IanSB maybe we can drive the pins up or down for reprogramming? Is this enough or do we need a physical disconnect?

I think i will carefully try to lift the Pins up.

solarmon commented 2 months ago

For my own future reference - details of the solder jumpers (bridged) and what pins/signals they are for:

JP1 = GPI00 = TDI JP2 = GPI020 = TCK JP4 = GPI01 = TMS

These don't currently exist on any of my RGBtoHDMI board designs.

venice1200 commented 2 months ago

I think the Pins which needs to be disconnected are TCK (44), TMS (6) and TDI (7). Not the other three pins.

Found here

Please correct me if i am wrong.

IanSB commented 2 months ago

@venice1200 @solarmon

The pins that have to be disconnected are CLKEN, SPDATA and SPCLK which are Pins 6, 7 and 44 of the CPLD. You have to cut the tracks going to those pins without breaking the connection between the GPIOs and TMS, TDI and TCK which are pins 10, 9 and 11 of the CPLD. Depending on the layout, this might not be easy as the tracks might be under the CPLD or cutting them also disconnects the GPIOS from the TMS, TDI and TCK pins. The other option would be to temporarily desolder and bend up CPLD pins 6, 7 and 44.

IanSB commented 2 months ago

@solarmon I suggest you add those jumpers to any future revisions of your boards. Any reason you didn't include them? The jumpers were originally added when CPLD programming was added to the project in case users accidentally programmed the Atom firmware which has the same effect but it has been useful for coping with recycled CPLDs

I have updated the wiki to cover this in more detail including how to use the 'Delete_This_File_To_Erase_CPLD.txt' feature:

This is likely the cause of the problem with this issue too:

BTW can you give the latest Alpha 65G a test to see if it works with your monitor(s). It contains a HDMI audio output driver but no audio input yet!

venice1200 commented 2 months ago

We will see...


solarmon commented 2 months ago

@solarmon I suggest you add those jumpers to any future revisions of your boards. Any reason you didn't include them? The jumpers were originally added when CPLD programming was added to the project in case users accidentally programmed the Atom firmware which has the same effect but it has been useful for coping with recycled CPLDs

My RGBtoHDMI spinoffs were original based on the c0pperdragon and LinuxJedi designs, which didn't have these jumpers. And this is the first I've heard of this specific issue.

BTW can you give the latest Alpha 65G a test to see if it works with your monitor(s). It contains a HDMI audio output driver but no audio input yet! IanSB/RGBtoHDMI#29 (comment)

Ooh, that is interesting! I will definitely try it and will report back on that ticket.

venice1200 commented 2 months ago



Next Step is testing with the Amiga.

Many Thx @IanSB

IanSB commented 2 months ago

@venice1200 That's great


And this is the first I've heard of this specific issue.

It seems to be getting more common, as you can see from the above photo I added a message about it to the latest release although that doesn't help so much if you just get a blank screen and don't know about the three buttons or the delete file.

One other thing that just occurred to me: There was originally a jumper JP3 which isolated the fourth programming line TDO but the additional CPLD pin it was connected to was re-used for something else and TDO is connected straight to GPIO 24 on the current revision. However GPIO24 is now also used for the FFOSD overlay so you need to make sure that is disconnected when programming the CPLD.

venice1200 commented 2 months ago

FFOSD Overlay?

Is this different to this project here?

I built this board especially because of the FF-OSD Feature in combination with the BluePil.

solarmon commented 2 months ago

FFOSD Overlay?

Is this different to this project here?

I built this board especially because of the FF-OSD Feature in combination with the BluePil.

Yes, this RGBtoHDMI board integrates with FF-OSD and this overlay connection is basically how FF-OSD feeds it's OSD menu to the Pi to be put into the HDMI display.

IanSB commented 2 months ago

@venice1200 @solarmon

I just remembered that the blue pill signal should be connected via a 1K resistor which seems to already be in your design in which case there is no need to disconnect it as that protects against the conflict.

BTW there is support for some ECS modes in the most recent stable release but I've not had any feedback on that. It should auto switch to productivity mode but the 640 and 1280 15Khz modes have to be selected manually by changing the "timing set" option in the main menu (This option is only visible when an ECS profile is selected). This can also be switched by toggling SW3 if fitted. (They both have the same timing so I can't detect which is in use.)

venice1200 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, finally i added all your RGBtoHDMI Boards to my Amiga 500 6A and programmed the BluePil with the original Hex from keirf (for the moment). I am using RGBtoHDMI v20240213.

I closed the JP1 Jumper at the BluePil Board (without this the OLED is no longer working).

I checked the BluePil's config using a serial connection.

RX to RXTX to TX

** FF OSD v1.9 **
** Keir Fraser <>

Config corrupt: Resetting to Factory Defaults

Current config:
 Sync Polarity: Low
 Pixel Timing: 15kHz
 Display Height: Normal
 Display Output: PB15/SPI2
 Display Enable: None
 H.Off: 42
 V.Off: 50
 Rows: 2
 Columns: 16-40

 Space: Select
 O: Down
 P: Up
Sync lost

I checked if the the FF OSD is enabled at the RGBtoHDMI Menu. RGBtoHDMI_FFOSD-On

But I get no OSD shown.

Question, do I need the green line from the BluePil Board to the Amiga to get the OSD shown? Connections

My understanding is that I don't need this green line as I only use the PI's HDMI Output and the PI get the OSD Data directly from the BluePil through the connector between the RGBtoHDMI Board and the BluePil Board (PI's GPIO24??).

Do I miss something?

venice1200 commented 2 weeks ago

I have tried with PA15 Low enabled as well but no success.

** FF OSD v1.9 **
** Keir Fraser <>

Current config:
 Sync Polarity: Low
 Pixel Timing: 15kHz
 Display Height: Normal
 Display Output: PB15/SPI2
 Display Enable: PA15 Act.LOW
 H.Off: 42
 V.Off: 50
 Rows: 2
 Columns: 16-40

 Space: Select
 O: Down
 P: Up
Sync lost

Do I maybe need Sync from the Amiga to BluePil-PCB CN1/Pin1 and/or set anything at JP2?

solarmon commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @venice1200

You shouldn't need the RGB output signal to be connected. However, it is useful to see/check whether FF OSD is actually working on your Bluepill.

solarmon commented 2 weeks ago


On your FF OSD Adapter board, have you got JP1 jumpered?

venice1200 commented 2 weeks ago


On your FF OSD Adapter board, have you got JP1 jumpered?


I will do some more tests this evening. I think it has something to do with sync.

venice1200 commented 1 week ago

Got it working! Had to add a jumper at JP2 between sync (middle) and c/h sync.

But the Oled Display shows now artifacts and the OSD chars are wobbeling.

solarmon commented 1 week ago

Glad you figured it out.

Unfortunately, that is the best that the FF OSD will look over the HDMI output.

venice1200 commented 1 week ago

Many man thanks for your support and all the best!

IanSB commented 1 week ago


The reason it's jittery is that the pixel clock of the blue pill isn't locked to the Amiga pixel clock so it was either that or nothing. In theory you could run the blue pill from an Amiga derived clock which would stop the jittering but so far no-one has looked at that.

solarmon commented 1 week ago


Would that be a software or hardware thing, or both - to get the Blue Pill to use the Amiga clock?

venice1200 commented 1 week ago

Additionally I get problems reading data from the gotek.

Data are not correctly loaded each time. If this happens the screen shows one of the below system messages and the gotek is mostly sent to the eject menu.

If i remove the bluepil board it works fine again.

It can be my installation, i need to test more.

I am using flash floppy 3.42 with an Artery AT32F435 gotek drive.




solarmon commented 1 week ago


I can't see how the Bluepill with FF OSD software could interfere with the FF on the Gotek reading ADF files.

The only connection between the Bluepill and Gotek should be the GND, 3.3V, SCL and SDA lines for I2C communications.

If it is causing FF on the Gotek to eject the ADF image then that might suggest that keyboard binding integration part is possibly interfering with it - so check the KB_CLOCK anf KB_DATA connections, and make sure you use a FF OSD firmware that supports the keyboard integration.

venice1200 commented 1 week ago

The Keyboard integration works fine for me, no problems here.

I can't tell you what causes this.

The only thing i know is that it works (for me) only without the bluepil board connected but let me a few more things.

Do you have a running OSD integration in use actually?

venice1200 commented 1 week ago

I have changed the display to another one, no change. If I use the OSD as the only i2c device I have these problems as well. Issue opened at FlashFloppy Github: