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Recent X3 Flare not assigned to its AR :( #23

Open dpshelio opened 10 years ago

dpshelio commented 10 years ago

Originally reported by: pohuigin (Bitbucket: pohuigin, GitHub: pohuigin)

For yesterday's X3 flare (5-Nov-2013), solarmonitor does not give it an AR designation:

However, LastEvents shows that it is assigned to 11890:

This is worrying, since I think SM gets the AR designations from LastEvents... So, this may indicate that there is an error in the get-lastevents-flares-and-put-them-in-a-meta-file-on-sm code, or LastEvents may not have had the designation at the time that SM ran, or may have been down, and then added the designation later...

This problem was brought to my attention by Marc DeRosa at LMSAL who uses SM for Hinode planning.

Cheers, -Paul

dpshelio commented 10 years ago

Original comment by David PS (Bitbucket: dvdgc, GitHub: Unknown):

Yes, I did notice the same problem.... and I thought that it was a delay in the assignation to the AR by latest events and consenquently a slow update from SM. We will need to check the code carefully... because maybe if the flare is assigned as a "yesterday" one means that it's not checked when the flare information is updated later on the day.

Notice that the flare does not appear on the day it happened, and it was at 22:00.