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XRT case addition for Al Mesh data (Aki @ MSU) #28

Closed dpshelio closed 8 years ago

dpshelio commented 10 years ago

Originally reported by: pohuigin (Bitbucket: pohuigin, GitHub: pohuigin)

The new repository that Aki set up will have Al Mesh XRT full-disk data, which is not accounted for in for scaling.

From Aki:

"Can you add the following case description so that Al_mesh images are browsed well? (XRT section)

 case xrtfilter of
     'Al_mesh' : im = bytscl(alog10(>10))  ; <--- !!!
     'Ti_poly' : im = bytscl(abs(^.5
     'Open'    : im = bytscl(abs(^.5
     else      : im = bytscl(alog10( abs( + 1 ))

dpshelio commented 10 years ago

Original comment by pohuigin (Bitbucket: pohuigin, GitHub: pohuigin):

Aki just added a correction to this, which you probably already caught: 'Al_mesh' : im = bytscl(alog10(>10))