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Change Hinode/XRT Scaling in ARM_FD -Should only take 5 min :) #33

Open dpshelio opened 10 years ago

dpshelio commented 10 years ago

Originally reported by: pohuigin (Bitbucket: pohuigin, GitHub: pohuigin)

From Aki:

'Looking the SolarMonitor pages, we noticed our XRT images look a little dark compared with AIA and the former XRT images. Could you try the following intensity scaling instead of the one I previously requested?

* current * 'Al_mesh' : im = bytscl(alog10(>10))

* new * 'Al_mesh' : im = bytscl(alog10(>5<2e5))

I believe the new scaling will make the image brighter, more contrasted, and suit to appear on the top page.'

This change should be made to, I think. There is a 'case' statement that decides on the scaling, and the above line should be swapped for the new one.