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New story and intro #19

Open Bertram25 opened 10 years ago

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

CC: @christopho @Nate-Devv @oclero

Here is a new story proposal, and intro text, meant to not go too far from the original zsdx on purpose: This is a story about two brothers, one being light, and the other darkness. With the conclusion that the second brother (the hero) follows his kin (formerly Aghanim) into an oniric realm where he has captured the sacred children to get some ultimate power (name needed). Thus, explaining why the world map is kinda unrealistic. (No offences intended, be sure of that). After following him within this realm, the hero wakes up in a bed... Which is ironic but fine, IMHO. ;) At the end, the hero stops his brother but to discover too late that the actual villain is not him, thus following the current story very closely.

Intro text proposal: From Ancient legends, a magnificient kingdom was told, Worshiping three Goddesses, beauty of Iron and Gold. But where there is light, shadows prevail. An unknown demon tried to take their power, but to no avail. For the Goddesses locked their power away, Putting the darkness into sorely dismay.

And centuries passed...

Many years and lives later, there was two brothers. One born to know magic, the other to go among soldiers. The first was seeking power, and the shadow saw the lure... Cast promises to his heart, and turned him into a devoted admirer.

Embracing evil, from the wisest he captured the lineage, For the devil whispered their magic would come of age And the door to Power, it would soon open wide, may he comes to the realm where the Goddesses hide.

The second brother saw his elder in withdrawal. The concern made him follow his kin, and witness his betrayal. To save the seven children, he took his sword and crossed the gate behind his brother to meet his fate...

Not perfect but what do you think?

oclero commented 10 years ago

Wow nice poetry ! In how many steps do you want to cut this intro ? I mean for knowing how many frescos I have to draw to replace the ones with Ganon, Aghanim in the intro ?

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

@oclero Thank you :) If you see any improvement, feel free to tell. As for cutting this, I don't really know. I would have gone for 4 frescoes, displaying ~4 sentences/a paragraph each. How do you see it?

oclero commented 10 years ago

More like this :

Fresco 1 From Ancient legends, a magnificient kingdom was told, Worshiping three Goddesses, beauty of Iron and Gold.

Fresco 2 : But where there is light, shadows prevail. An unknown demon tried to take their power, but to no avail. For the Goddesses locked their power away, Putting the darkness into sorely dismay.

Fresco 3: Many years and lives later, there was two brothers. One born to know magic, the other to go among soldiers. The first was seeking power, and the shadow saw the lure... Cast promises to his heart, and turned him into a devoted admirer.

Fresco 4: Embracing evil, from the wisest he captured the lineage, For the devil whispered their magic would come of age And the door to Power, it would soon open wide, may he comes to the realm where the Goddesses hide.

Fresco 5: The second brother saw his elder in withdrawal. The concern made him follow his kin, and witness his betrayal. To save the seven children, he took his sword and crossed the gate behind his brother to meet his fate...

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

Fine to me :)

oclero commented 10 years ago

Some time ago I began to create new characters, here is an idea for the hero :

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

@oclero Ok, but the hero sprite has already been replaced, so we'll keep what's done since it seems to me it fits the rest pretty well.

oclero commented 10 years ago

I looked into data/sprites and I found the old Link's sprites. Where can I see it ?

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

Np. :) Here it is:

Feel free to propose changes if something doesn't suit you.

oclero commented 10 years ago

Let's keep it for the moment !

oclero commented 10 years ago

amulette-noshadow amulette-shadow And here are the images for the talisman :)

Barwy commented 10 years ago

Hi, Christopho told me I can contribute to this project by helping you develop ideas for the story and write dialogues.

The idea with dreams has great potential. My initial idea is that the evil brother may need seven elements of a key hidden in dreams of the seven children. Each of those dreams could be different and grant, at some point, powers player will need to progress in other dreams. I'm not sure about map and game engine limitations, as that would mean allowing player to freely jump between visions at certain points.

I hope I'm not getting too ahead of myself. I'm new, so please let me know when I start overdoing this ;P

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

HI @Barwy And thanks for dropping by. Welcome. :) I must say the initial goal of this project is to revamp ZSDX with free graphics, in short. That's why we try to actually stay close from the previous story.

If you can come up with new dialogues and events that are in sync with the current chain of events and places seen in ZSDX, I think it will be fine. But if you're willing to create new things from here, I do think it is not the time yet to do so in this project, IMHO. Since I wouldn't want contributors to spread themselves too thin.

My voice only counts as one, though, and I hope to get other's opinion as well on this. :)

Best regards,

christopho commented 10 years ago

Yes. The constraint is to keep the same gameplay, the same progression of dungeons as ZSDX. That being said, we want new dialogues and a modified story to justify these events.

oclero commented 10 years ago

Exactly, we have to stick for the most to the original story, and change only what is under Nintendo's copyright : characters, events from previous Zelda games (all that is ALTTP related, in the intro for example), graphics, musics.

christopho commented 10 years ago

But changing things and adding new ideas like the dark brother is welcome. We don't want to have every character remind the player of a Zelda character.

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

Ok, I think we're in sync then. :)

Barwy commented 10 years ago

Sorry guys, as I said I'm new here and have to find my way around so I don't get in the way and actually contribute. Is there a separate place where I should ask for tips and advice?

christopho commented 10 years ago

No problem :) I think this issue is the right place to discuss the work about the story and dialogs.

ekureina commented 10 years ago

The more people to come up with ideas, the better.

Barwy commented 10 years ago

If you want more text in the game, maybe we could add second dialogues to some characters, so they don't say the same thing every time player speaks to them? I was also thinking about adding "books" to bookshelves like those in Dragon Quest series. It would enable players to interact with them and see "none of these books is pparticularly interesting" if tehre was nothing interesting. We could add this way some lore for players to find. I was also thinking about an epistolary story of someone who's moving between towns. It would be just a story of some NPC, nothing really serious or demanding extra levels.

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

@Barwy If @Nate-Devv doesn't object as he's the one who created and maintained the zsdx -> childrenofsolarusdx translation script, I'm all for adding more lore to the world when reasonably done. :)

ekureina commented 10 years ago

No objections. Is it Children of Solarus or Children of Solarus DX? The repo says without DX (and there was no original named Children of Solarus. I remove the showing of DX from the title logo script, and also removed the DX image. Should those be restored?

oclero commented 10 years ago

DX in Mystery Of Solarus DX meant it was an enhanced remake of the first version of the game (made with RPG Maker). So in my opinion, let's the drop de DX for Children Of Solarus because it's not a remake of another game but a brand new game!

ekureina commented 10 years ago

That was my logic, but @Bertram25 said zsdx->childrenofsolarusdx, and he was the initial creator of the project.

Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

@Nate-Devv @oclero Hi guys :) Sorry for inserting some doubts here. @oclero is right. Children of Solarus doesn't need the DX since it's meant to be a standalone game. @Nate-Devv You were right removing the DX image, it's better that way.


Bertram25 commented 10 years ago

The title screen is now updated with shiny @oclero 's work. :)