solex2006 / SELIProject

SELI Project
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Authoring tool - Requirement #1

Open ozguryasar opened 4 years ago

ozguryasar commented 4 years ago

Part I Storytelling requires students to upload images and upload voice over images. Students have choice to share it with classmates or just with the teacher(facilitator)

Here is an example please see
Some of the other examples are here from our students:
We are looking for a solution to make story production easier in the platform for students.

solex2006 commented 4 years ago

Part II Creation of contents by the teachers and students Multimedia creation and hosting --Digital storytelling(voice over on images) following example given below: ---Add title of Digital Story(Text) ---Upload 1st Image ---Upload 1st Audio voice over ---Upload 2nd Image ---Upload 2nd Audio voice over and so on max. 10 repetition ---Share story (with public, only classmates, only with the tutor)

--Sound upload (english exercises)

--Impaired aids (read text, high contrast,etc.) → see accessibility module

-Interactive content integration (H5P - meta model --ask questions in the middle of a video --choose between videos according to a choice (story paths) -Static content creation (SCORM) --web pages (lesson in moodle, web page) --static questionnaires with exportation/communication of results to the main grading system.

ozguryasar commented 4 years ago

Part III Creation of contents by students should be allowed. Teacher assigns students to lesson via email adresses. Students get notification about their assignment.
Students have permission to upload and merge multimedia(images, audio, video) as part of a specific learning activity called storyboard. Digital content creation by students as part of storyboard activity --Digital storytelling procedure (voice-over on images) example given below: ---Add the title of Digital Story(Text) ---Upload 1st Image ---Upload 1st Audio voice over ---Upload 2nd Image ---Upload 2nd Audio voice-over and so on max. 10 repetition ---Merge each segment as a video. ---Share story (3 ways:with the public, only classmates, only with the tutor) as part of course ---Students can comment on each other's digital stories and contact via email.

--Sound upload (English exercises)

--Impaired aids (read text, high contrast,etc.) → see accessibility module

-Interactive content integration (H5P - meta model --ask questions in the middle of a video --choose between videos according to a choice (story paths) -Static content creation (SCORM) --web pages (lesson in moodle, web page) --static questionnaires with exportation/communication of results to the main grading system.