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Timing Adjustable #103

Open ecureuill opened 4 years ago

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

This is a "not-end" requirement. What I want to mean is that this should be considered for any new page you create that Student can access. Also should correct the old pages.

I will use the label Feature Design Notes to this cases

WCAG: 2.2.1

For each time limit that is set by the content, at least one of the following is true:

Better: Remove time constraint #105


Scenario: multipart form

Scenario: Time limit to read (movement or scrolling content)


Example 1: A checkbox for requesting a specific extension

A Web page contains the first part of a five-part form. Immediately following the general instructions for completing the form is a checkbox with the label, “Allow an additional 15 minutes to complete each part of this form."

Example 2: Requesting an indefinite extension

A Web page contains the first part of a three-part form. Each part of the form includes more than 10 items. Some items require users to follow links for additional information. Immediately following the general instructions for completing the form is a checkbox with the label, “Allow as much time as I need to complete this form. I understand that I must close (quit) the Web browser if I choose to stop before completing the last part of the form."

Example: movement or scrolling content

Tests Procedure


  1. Check that there is a mechanism to turn off any time limits near the top of the page.
  2. Verify that the time limit for the page is long enough that a user can easily navigate to the mechanism even if they are 10 times slower than most users.

Expected Results: All checks are true.


  1. Check to see if there is a mechanism to set the time limit to 10 times the default time limit.
  2. Change the time limit to a new value that is 10 times the default time limit.
  3. Perform an action that has a time limit.
  4. Wait until the default time limit has passed.
  5. Check that the time limit does not expire until the limit specified in step 2 has passed.

Expected Results: 1 and 5 are true.

Adjust in a multipart form

If the Web page contains the first part of a multipart form:

  1. Check that the Web page includes a checkbox to request additional time to complete the form.
  2. Check that if the checkbox is checked, additional time is provided to complete the form.

Expected Results: All checks are true.


  1. Perform an action that has a time limit.
  2. When the timer expires, check that a confirmation dialog is displayed warning of the impending time limit.
  3. Determine if an option was provided to extend the time limit.
    1. Check that you have at least 20 seconds to extend the time limit
  4. Check that you can extend the time limit to at least 10 times the default time

Expected Results: all are true.

movement or scrolling of content

On a page with moving or scrolling content,

  1. Check that a mechanism is provided to the text be made available in a separate window or in a (larger) section of the page.

Expected Results: Check 1 is true.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This Feature is ready to be implemented.