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Authoring Tool - Design step #142

Open ecureuill opened 4 years ago

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

:warning: Wire-frames and live-demos are just for example purpose. They doesn't meet entirely this requirement.

:pencil2: Pencil icon marks specs that are waiting for definition


  1. User Input
  2. Features
    1. Tasks
    2. Reources
  3. Usability
  4. Validations
  5. Error Prevention
  6. Feedback
    1. Labels
    2. Instructions
    3. Help button
    4. Guided Help button
    5. Error Identification
  7. Wire frames



User input

if CoursePlan[StructureCourse] == StructureCourseUnit

if CoursePlan[StructureCourse] == StructureCourseTopic

if CoursePlan[TemplateCourse] != TemplateCourseWithout



if CoursePlan[TemplateCourse] != TemplateCourseSpiral

if CoursePlan[TemplateCourse] != TemplateCourseConsistent

if CoursePlan[TemplateCourse] == TemplateCourseWithout

(This part is better explained in )

if CoursePlan[TemplateCourse] != TemplateCourseWithout


if user check the option ResourcesSuplemantaryMaterial

If versionClumnTable==printed || typeClumnTable==other

If externalClumnTable==true && versionClumnTable==printed

If externalClumnTable==true

If externalClumnTable==false

if user check the option ResourcesPresentation

If typeClumnTable==other

If typeClumnTable==h5p

If externalClumnTable==true

If externalClumnTable==false

if user check the option ResourcesGame

If typeClumnTable==other

If typeClumnTable==h5p || type==unity

If externalClumnTable==true

If externalClumnTable==false



Error Prevention



If the used component do not have a native visible label, use aria-label or `aria-

field visible label aria-label or aria-labelledby
LearningObjectives Learning objectives n/a
PreKnowledge Pre-existing knowledges n/a
MainContent Main content n/a
Evaluation Evaluation n/a
Resources Resources n/a
ResourcesAudios Audios n/a
ResourcesGames Games n/a
ResourcesImages Images n/a
ResourcesPresentation Presentations n/a
ResourcesSuplemantaryMaterial Supplementary Materials n/a
ResourcesVideos Videos n/a
SuplemantaryMaterial Supplementary Materials List n/a
paper Paper n/a
book Book n/a
printed Printed n/a
digital Digital n/a
Presentation Presentation List n/a
file File (ie: pdf, ppt ) n/a
h5p H5P n/a
Game Game List n/a
unity Unity n/a
Tasks Tasks List n/a
TasksActivity Activity n/a
TasksQuiz Quiz n/a
TasksProblem Problem n/a
TasksForum Forum n/a
peerReview Peer Review n/a
graded Graded n/a
group In Group n/a
project Part of course's project n/a
other Other n/a
AddButtonTable Add item n/a
EditButtonTable [icon] Edit
DeleteButtonTble [icon] Delete
ConfirmButtonTable [icon] Confirm
CancelButtonTable [icon] Cancel
MoveButtonTable [icon] Move up
SearchTable [icon] Search
TitleClumnTable Title n/a
typeClumnTable Type n/a
versionClumnTable Media n/a
externalClumnTable External Media n/a
externalURLClumnTable Media's URL n/a
externalRefClumnTable Reference n/a
AddTopic Add Topic n/a
EditTopic Edit Topic n/a
DeleteTopic Delete Topic n/a
AddLesson Add Lesson n/a
EditLesson Edit Lesson n/a
DeleteLesson Delete Lesson n/a
AddUnit Add Unit n/a
EditUnit Edit Unit n/a
DeleteUnit Delete Unit n/a
Confirm[icon] Confirm
Cancel[icon] Cancel
Move[icon] Move up


field Inline Instruction Tooltip
LearningObjectives Add Learning Objectives that shows what the students will know learning in this [unit/topic] n/a
PreKnowledge Previous necessary knnowledge to understand this [unit/topic] n/a
MainContent Subjects to be addressed n/a
Evaluation Mechanisms and criteria to assess whether the learning objectives have been achieved n/a
Resources Fundamental or complementary materials, communication services or features used during learning and to support tasks n/a
Presentation SELI platform supports main type of presentation files (e.g, .ppt, .pdf) and H5P presentations. You can also add reference to other types of presentations. n/a
SuplemantaryMaterial You can list books, papers and others supplementary texts n/a
Games Lis the Games that are going to be used in this [unnit/topic]. SELI platform supports Unity and H5P games. You can also add reference to other types of game. n/a
Tasks Action to be taken by the student to achieve the learning objectives n/a

Help button ("More details")

Guided Help button (“help me decide”)

Error Identification and Suggestion

field Validation Error message
all Required [Field_Name] is required. Please complete it
all Unique You already add [CONTENT] before.
Unit Required You need to add at least one unit
Lesson Required You need to add at least one lesson
Topic Required You need to add at least one topic
Problem Required You need to add at least one task of type problem
-- -- --


By Unit

initial image

adding / edit unit image

unit form image image

lesson form image

By Topic and Template image

topic form image image






Unit/Lesson and Topic context


Template context



Spiral Mode


Consistent Metaphor


Toy Box


github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This Feature is ready to be implemented.

caroltaus commented 3 years ago



"Unity" is the default value: image

After user adds the item the type is blank: image

Steps to reproduce: 1 - put "other" for the type and check the externalClumnTable box 2- change type to "h5p", the externalClumnTable box will be disabled but checked true


caroltaus commented 3 years ago

"Printed" is the default value:


After user adds the supplementary text the type is blank: image

ecureuill commented 3 years ago



Captura de Tela 2020-10-23 às 19 45 10
caroltaus commented 3 years ago


ecureuill commented 3 years ago
github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

ecureuill commented 3 years ago

Please, move to CODED only when this feature is fully implemented: bugs reported in comments and requirements in OP If you want that we test some partial solution, add a comment here with our @

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

There are tasks in the requirement that are not done

image image

saved with checkbox == false:


In topics:


In Unit&Lessons (has to be changed):


What is on the plataform right now:


CAndresH commented 3 years ago

@caroltaus and @rebeccamello , there is a button to move the rows in the table, image We cannot add more buttons that do this function since the table is a library with predefined functions

caroltaus commented 3 years ago

@CAndresH Please don't check the checkboxes, it's easier for us to keep track and know which tasks we have to test when we check them.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

There are tasks in the requirement and in comments, that are not done

Required fields of topic 1 are completed but not of topic 2:


After moving it up (still without the information):


Steps to reproduce:


How it is in Program Step:

Captura de Tela 2020-10-23 às 19 35 45

Steps to reproduce:

For presentation resource:

Steps to reproduce:

For example: When editing:


When saved:


caroltaus commented 3 years ago

About the MoveTableButton, this has already been coded by @ecureuill in her demo, you can use that to help on its implementation

On line 230

This parte of the requirement was a bit confusing


so i checked the demo to figure out what types of Tasks each course model should have:

EduKobaiashi commented 3 years ago

  1. Add item
  2. Mark External Resource as true
  3. Change to any other type
  4. Change back the type to file
  5. Give it a name
  6. Save it

image image


  1. Add item
  2. Mark External Resource as True
  3. Add something to the External Reference
  4. Mark External Resource as False
  5. Give it a name
  6. Save it

image image