Open ecureuill opened 4 years ago
only open option for requirements
This Feature is ready to be implemented.
This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.
Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.
[x] When user writes in a software requirement, changes the step page, and goes back to the Requirements page, the requirement is copied to hardware requirements
[x] The same thing happens when user writes in a hardware requirement, changes the step page, and goes back to the Requirements page, the requirement is copied to software requirements
When user adds the requirements:
When user comes back to the page:
Steps to reproduce:
[x] Should not present an error feedback before user perform one. I just click the button "Add other software" and the field is already presented with an error feedback.
[x] It's possible to add an empty item (value = " "
=== ""
); OR=== ""
) and if true present the Required Validation error message[x] The Unique Validation should not validate against the value of the current field.
Alert dialog is not working properly An alertdialog divert users' attention to a brief, important message and can receive a response from user. Ensuring that, while the alertdialog is shown, keyboard and mouse interactions only operate within the dialog.
:bulb: Suggestion: create one component for each #51 specs and reutilize it through project. This way avoid a lot of maintenance and guarantee the consistence in entire project
This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.
Functional Test passed! Please, make a PULL REQUEST or, if already merged, close the issue.
:warning: Wire-frames and live-demos are just for example purpose. They doesn't meet entirely this requirement.
:pencil2: Pencil icon marks specs that are waiting for definition
Wire frames
[x] Separate information and structure from presentation (use css files, do not style inline)
[x] Responsive design
[x] Page title: "Course Requirements"
User input
checkbox list with subheads -subhead: "Utility", options: -LibreOffice -MSOffice -subhead: "Operational System", options: -WindowsOS -LinuxOS -MacOS -AndroidOS -iOS -subhead: "Development Environment", options: -TextEditor (Atom, SublimeText, Notepad++, TextMate) -OnlineEditor (CodePen, JSFiddle, Koding, PhythonFiddle) -VisualStudio -Eclipse -RapidPHPEditor -NetBeans -MacRabbitEspresso -Cloud9 -BootstrapFramework -ExpressionStudioFramework -AzureFramework -Github -BitBucket -Axure -subhead: "Data Science" options: -DataStudio ( -R -MATLAB -Spreadsheet -Tableau -Jupyter -subhead: "Graphic Design" options: -GIMP -Inkscape -Photoshopcheckbox list.-option:- Smartphone
- Tablet
- SmartWatch
- PenTable
- ScientificCalculator
- FinancialCalculator
- GraphingCalculator
- DigitalCamera
- DSLRCamera
- 3DPrint
- DSLRCamera
- VRHeadset
- MRHeadset
- SonyPSVR
- OculusRift
- 360Camera
- WebCam
- [ ] Do not allow add an Hardware that already exist in the list of pre-existent hardwwares- [ ] Do not allow add an Softwares that already exist in the list of pre-existent SoftwaresError Prevention
If user tries to delete an OpenHardware or OpenSoftware, system should ask for confirmation
If the used component do not have a native visible label, use
Tooltip is a popup that shows on focus and hover.
It will host the Label of the component, when the component doesn't have a visible label.
It will host the brief description of the required input, when the component doesn't have a inline description
[x] instructions
Help button ("More details")
Error Identification and Suggestion