solex2006 / SELIProject

SELI Project
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Course - Syllabus Page #166

Open ecureuill opened 4 years ago

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

Current version

image image

New version

Web Syllabus

:nerd_face: Notation used in the HTML


    • [x] Full Width: Layout design consistency #51
    • [x] Design Pattern must follows WAI-ARIA Practices for modal (meet #136)
        • [x] role="dialog"
        • [x] keyboard navigation (meet #101 )
        • [x] aria-modal=true
        • [x] aria-describedby=
        • [x] First focus
        • [x] Focus after dialog is closed


github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This Feature is ready to be implemented.

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

@CAndresH @juantenesaca (please update assignee list, so we know to whom address the bugs)


A suggestion of style image

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

propiedades en silabus {courseInformation: {…}, language: {…}} courseInformation: accessibility: Array(3) 0: audienceError: false audienceallError: true audienceallgolError: true audiencegolError: false proto: Object 1: audienceError: false audienceallError: true audienceallgolError: true audiencegolError: false proto: Object 2: learningobjectives: false modality: false outcomes: false pedagogical: false proto: Object length: 3 proto: Array(0) analysis: Array(5) 0: null 1: "online" 2: "sdfsdfsdfsdf" 3: analyzing: [] applying: [] creating: Array(1) 0: {label: "esdfsdf", aux: "build", editing: false} length: 1 proto: Array(0) evaluating: Array(1) 0: {label: "sfsdf", aux: "conclude", editing: false} length: 1 proto: Array(0) remembering: [] understanding: [] proto: Object 4: contents: Array(1) 0: {label: "sdfsdf", aux: "understand", editing: false} length: 1 proto: Array(0) skills: [{…}] values: [{…}] proto: Object length: 5 proto: Array(0) classroom: ["4wQ6zqA79xmD7Qve8"] coursePlan: {guidedCoursePlan: "guided", courseTemplate: "without", courseStructure: "topic"} createdBy: "cecureuil" creationDate: Sun Aug 23 2020 16:39:29 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília) {} description: "In this course we will create an accessible course for visual impaired students " design: Array(1) 0: activities: [] editing: false evaluation: "sdfsdf" key: "topic1" learnGols: "sdsfsdf" lessons: Array(1) 0: activities: [{…}] key: "lesson1" title: "Lesson 01" tools: Array(6) 0: {checked: false, key: "audio", label: "Audios"} 1: {checked: false, key: "games", label: "Games", items: Array(0)} 2: {checked: false, key: "images", label: "Images"} 3: {checked: false, key: "presentation", label: "Presentation", items: Array(0)} 4: {checked: false, key: "supplemantary", label: "Supplementary Text", items: Array(0)} 5: {checked: false, key: "videos", label: "Videos"} length: 6 proto: Array(0) proto: Object length: 1 proto: Array(0) mainContent: "sdfds" preKnowledge: "sdfsdf" title: "Images" tools: Array(6) 0: {checked: false, key: "audio", label: "Audios"} 1: {checked: false, key: "games", label: "Games", items: Array(0)} 2: {checked: false, key: "images", label: "Images"} 3: {checked: false, key: "presentation", label: "Presentation", items: Array(0)} 4: {checked: false, key: "supplemantary", label: "Supplementary Text", items: Array(0)} 5: {checked: false, key: "videos", label: "Videos"} length: 6 proto: Array(0) proto: Object length: 1 proto: Array(0) duration: "010:00:00" image: {_id: "8nwgGCoFT5PAxZwW7", size: 61320, type: "image/jpeg", name: "breakfast.jpg", meta: {…}, …} keyWords: (3) ["Course planning ", "Wcag ", "Accessibility "] language: 0 level: "" program: Array(1) 0: activities: [] items: Array(57) 0: {id: 0.828606917030871, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 1: {id: 0.41704387859581016, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 2: {id: 0.00006846139074201396, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 3: {id: 0.8172503491828862, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 4: {id: 0.5296233763903895, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 5: {id: 0.45455474278072217, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 6: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Info Example 1", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.7216791373139166 type: "image" proto: Object 7: {id: 0.38579564528215293, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 8: {id: 0.9869666265832975, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 9: {id: 0.17682062017970268, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 10: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Info Example 2", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.21812135375388886 type: "image" proto: Object 11: {id: 0.8558965033466848, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 12: {id: 0.290561764592177, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 13: {id: 0.5612006469093445, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 14: {id: 0.3906974459740855, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 15: {id: 0.39556859387879006, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 16: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Info Example 3", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.04995625509875423 type: "image" proto: Object 17: {id: 0.9472487745874361, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 18: {id: 0.6510302825266872, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 19: {id: 0.7353093731207134, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 20: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Info Example 4", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.27266459918219743 type: "image" proto: Object 21: {id: 0.1592484389389739, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 22: {id: 0.2853201410627888, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 23: {id: 0.6395309272562675, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 24: {id: 0.41441163302692363, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 25: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Info Example 5", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.49071882704728487 type: "image" proto: Object 26: {id: 0.11618289558350936, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 27: {id: 0.3058031060532591, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 28: {id: 0.6936700047921374, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 29: {id: 0.4954323109688179, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 30: {id: 0.29674974106606866, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 31: {id: 0.4058469550975694, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 32: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Deco Example 1", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.05600070965170967 type: "image" proto: Object 33: {id: 0.706193496151412, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 34: {id: 0.8647676120609069, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 35: {id: 0.800351819916953, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 36: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Deco Example 2", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.14344205514730057 type: "image" proto: Object 37: {id: 0.3739538269136018, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 38: {id: 0.9603144096665865, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 39: {id: 0.47959216012710915, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 40: {id: 0.2600003234150976, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 41: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "text Example 1", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.22183639372464614 type: "image" proto: Object 42: {id: 0.023697990206846153, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 43: {id: 0.9748960954364647, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 44: {id: 0.1682780017708747, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 45: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Text Example 2", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.6192495567588423 type: "image" proto: Object 46: {id: 0.675800242099037, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 47: {id: 0.0829938584078691, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 48: {id: 0.13434155126405978, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 49: {id: 0.6432173155876544, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 50: {id: 0.4555796900483218, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 51: attributes: {image: {…}, hasDescription: true, description: "", title: "Complex Example 1", descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)", …} id: 0.33413781537133946 type: "image" proto: Object 52: {id: 0.2511342312401317, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 53: {id: 0.017837437456942773, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 54: {id: 0.27205483159201505, type: "text", attributes: {…}} 55: attributes: accessibility: dataField: {longDescription: {…}, shortDescription: "Male peacock head", imagePurpose: "cplx", shortDescriptionError: false, longDescriptionError: false, …} isA11Y: Array(2) 0: {name: "shortDescription", is_a11y: true} 1: {name: "longDescription", is_a11y: true} length: 2 proto: Array(0) percentage: 100 pureDecorative: false proto: Object alignment: "row" description: "" descriptionWidth: "calc(100% - 500px)" hasDescription: true image: {_id: "quHcn286kybzNEJ2r", name: "image-cplx-ex02.jpg", link: "…/quHcn286kybzNEJ2r/original/quHcn286kybzNEJ2r.jpg"} size: {width: 500, height: 300} title: "Complex Example 2" proto: Object id: 0.609472459667268 type: "image" proto: Object 56: {id: 0.7782708997357997, type: "text", attributes: {…}} length: 57 proto: Array(0) lessons: [{…}] name: "Images" proto: Object length: 1 proto: Array(0) published: true report: Array(4) 0: 100 1: 100 2: 100 3: 100 length: 4 proto: Array(0) requirements: Array(2) 0: [{…}] 1: [{…}] length: 2 proto: Array(0) signature: "" stepscompleted: (8) [0, 2, 6, 7, 1, 4, 3, 5] stepsflag: "saved" subtitle: "Planning an accessible course in SELI-Platform" support: Array(2) 0: Array(9) 0: {id: 0, value: "StudentsGrad", label: "Graduate Students", isChecked: true} 1: {id: 1, value: "StudentsInfor", label: "Informal Students", isChecked: false} 2: {id: 2, value: "Teachers", label: "Teachers and Professors", isChecked: true} 3: {id: 3, value: "Kids", label: "Preschool Kids", isChecked: false} 4: {id: 4, value: "post graduate student", label: "Post Graduate Students", isChecked: true} 5: {id: 5, value: "pregrade student", label: "Undergraduate Students", isChecked: false} 6: {id: 6, value: "High School Students", label: "High School Students", isChecked: false} 7: {id: 7, value: "Middle School Students", label: "Middle School Students", isChecked: false} 8: {id: 8, value: "Elementary School Students", label: "Elementary School Students", isChecked: false} length: 9 proto: Array(0) 1: Array(4) 0: {id: 0, value: "cog", label: "Cognitive disabilities", isChecked: false} 1: {id: 1, value: "Eld", label: "Diversity of Abilities", isChecked: false} 2: {id: 2, value: "Hear", label: "Hearing disabilities", isChecked: false} 3: {id: 3, value: "Vis", label: "Visual disabilities", isChecked: true} length: 4 proto: Array(0) length: 2 proto: Array(0) title: "WCAG 2.1" type: "" _id: "hKu96y8YfreaPboMQ" proto: Object language: {studentAccount: "Student account", tutorAccount: "Tutor account", reuseImg: "reuse image", reuseAudio: "reuse audio", audiomessage: "Double click over the item to select", …} proto: Object

props en content {data: Array(1), coursePlan: {…}, program: Array(1)} coursePlan: courseStructure: "topic" courseTemplate: "without" guidedCoursePlan: "guided" proto: Object data: Array(1) 0: activities: [] editing: false evaluation: "sdfsdf" key: "topic1" learnGols: "sdsfsdf" lessons: Array(1) 0: activities: Array(1) 0: {activity: "Example", type: "1", graded: true, group: 0, project: false, …} length: 1 proto: Array(0) key: "lesson1" title: "Lesson 01" tools: Array(6) 0: {checked: false, key: "audio", label: "Audios"} 1: {checked: false, key: "games", label: "Games", items: Array(0)} 2: {checked: false, key: "images", label: "Images"} 3: {checked: false, key: "presentation", label: "Presentation", items: Array(0)} 4: {checked: false, key: "supplemantary", label: "Supplementary Text", items: Array(0)} 5: {checked: false, key: "videos", label: "Videos"} length: 6 proto: Array(0) proto: Object length: 1 proto: Array(0) mainContent: "sdfds" preKnowledge: "sdfsdf" title: "Images" tools: Array(6) 0: {checked: false, key: "audio", label: "Audios"} 1: {checked: false, key: "games", label: "Games", items: Array(0)} 2: {checked: false, key: "images", label: "Images"} 3: {checked: false, key: "presentation", label: "Presentation", items: Array(0)} 4: {checked: false, key: "supplemantary", label: "Supplementary Text", items: Array(0)} 5: {checked: false, key: "videos", label: "Videos"} length: 6 proto: Array(0) proto: Object length: 1 proto: Array(0) program: Array(1) 0: activities: [] items: (57) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] lessons: [{…}] name: "Images" proto: Object length: 1 proto: Array(0) proto: Object

ecureuill commented 4 years ago
CAndresH commented 4 years ago

Hello Camila I have some doubts about the course syllabus for the following cases: When the teacher selects in course plan: guided-without-By topics or By units & lessons

in the demo, the content in the syllable course is filled with the data from the design step, image

but for free-without-by topics or units, the design step does not have this information, you can only change the name of the unit and topic, in that case with what data should it be filled in? image I have made changes in the syllable, check them and tell me

Another doubt : about the wrong headings, could you send a screenshot with the correct heading hierarchy?


ecureuill commented 4 years ago

Hi! @CAndresH

In the case of guided-without-By topics or By units & lessons, you can list the items using the ordered list tag <ol>

  1. Topic A

  2. Topic B

  3. Topic C

  4. Topic D


  5. Unit A

    1. Lesson X
    2. Lesson P
  6. Unit B

    1. Lesson T
  7. Unit C

  8. Unit D

    1. Lesson O
ecureuill commented 4 years ago

Another doubt : about the wrong headings, could you send a screenshot with the correct heading hierarchy? You should follow the ToC structure, except for Readings and Assments methods that is image

And as I already mentioned in the list of problems, Syllabus is not exactly the same content/presentation as the Course Main page. For instance, check the way course description, education language are presented image

If you follow the demo structure, you will solve the heading and list problems I've reported

CAndresH commented 4 years ago

Correct Camila now the syllable is dynamic (ToC) and I have placed the headings as you describe them in your demo, the bug error is also corrected, please check, thanks

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

Test is blocked by

@CAndresH please, move to CODED only when this feature is fully implemented: bugs reported in comments and requirements in OP

If you want that we test some partial solution, add a comment here with our @

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

Please, move to CODED only when this feature is fully implemented: bugs reported in comments and requirements in OP If you want that we test some partial solution, add a comment here with our @

CAndresH commented 4 years ago

hello everyone please comment what are the errors?, @ecureuill @caroltaus ,

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

Hi @CAndresH everything that is not checked as done in specification needs your attention. When you finish all requirements, move to CODED

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

There are still accessibility requirements to be done



How it is the website:


CAndresH commented 3 years ago

@rebeccamello @caroltaus , What content of the design should be in evaluation?

caroltaus commented 3 years ago

@CAndresH This information: image

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

There are still accessibility tasks in the requirement to be done

image and learning outcomes image

caroltaus commented 3 years ago

in course creation: image

in syllabus: image

CAndresH commented 3 years ago

hi @caroltaus, please check now

caroltaus commented 3 years ago

LearningApplyingObjectives is still not appearing

image image

In some cases, it is appearing with the wrong verb:
