solex2006 / SELIProject

SELI Project
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Syllabus is crashing #202

Open ecureuill opened 4 years ago

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
    at N (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:131)
    at ki (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at kl (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at Yl (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at Xl (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at Vl (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at 5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at uo (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
    at vo (5b419a922dba05e35a1dff05b45325efa903bae8.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)

Possible Solution or Implementation

Course properties

accessibility: Array(3)
      0: {audienceError: false, audienceallError: false, audiencegolError: false, audienceallgolError: true}
      1: {audienceError: false, audienceallError: false, audiencegolError: false, audienceallgolError: true}
      2: {pedagogical: false, modality: true, learningobjectives: false, outcomes: false}
analysis: Array(7)
      0: Array(2)
            0: {label: "math 01", editing: false}
            1: {label: "math", editing: false}
      1: null
      2: "asdasdas adsadasdas asdas as↵dsasda sd↵ada"
            analyzing: Array(2)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "constrast", editing: false}
                  1: {label: "something", aux: "list", editing: false}
            applying: Array(1)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "duplicate", editing: false}
            creating: Array(2)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "build", editing: false}
                  1: {label: "something", aux: "develop", editing: false}
            evaluating: Array(2)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "conclude", editing: false}
                  1: {label: "something", aux: "justify", editing: false}
            remembering: Array(2)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "duplicate", editing: false}
                  1: {label: "something", aux: "match", editing: false}
            understanding: Array(2)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "explain", editing: false}
                  1: {label: "something", aux: "summarize", editing: false}
            contents: Array(1)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "understand", editing: false}
            skills: Array(1)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "design", editing: false}
            values: Array(1)
                  0: {label: "something", aux: "appreciate", editing: false}
            5: "asdasdasdsadasd↵ad↵asdasd↵as"
            6: "asdasdsad↵asd↵asd↵as↵↵asd"
classroom: Array(1)
      0: "4wQ6zqA79xmD7Qve8"
      courseStructure: "topic"
      courseTemplate: "spiral"
      guidedCoursePlan: "guided"
createdBy: "cecureuil"
creationDate: Thu Sep 03 2020 02:07:59 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília) {}
description: "SDA"
design: Array(1)
      0: {key: "topic1", title: "Topic", learnGols: "dsdf fdsfsd sd", preKnowledge: "sdas d asd", mainContent: "asd asdasd asd ", …}
duration: "685:13:03"
image: {_id: "EF4bW6neh2wZs7BC3", size: 36660, type: "image/jpeg", name: "lunar-eclipse-1-20-19.jpg", meta: {…}, …}
keyWords: Array(3)
      0: "Course planning "
      1: "Accessibility "
      2: "Mussum "
language: 3
level: ""
modality: "online"
program: Array(1)
      0: {name: "Topic", items: Array(10), activities: Array(1), lessons: Array(1)}
published: true
report: []
requirements: Array(2)
      0: Array(2)
            0: {label: "soft 01", editing: false}
            1: {label: "soft 02", editing: false}
      1: Array(1)
            0: {label: "hard 01", editing: false}
signature: ""
stepscompleted: (7) [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1]
stepsflag: "saved"
subtitle: "Planning a course in SELI-Platform"
support: Array(2)
      0: Array(9)
            0: {id: 0, value: "StudentsGrad", label: "Graduate Students", isChecked: true}
            1: {id: 1, value: "StudentsInfor", label: "Informal Students", isChecked: true}
            2: {id: 2, value: "Teachers", label: "Teachers and Professors", isChecked: true}
            3: {id: 3, value: "Kids", label: "Preschool Kids", isChecked: true}
            4: {id: 4, value: "post graduate student", label: "Post Graduate Students", isChecked: true}
            5: {id: 5, value: "pregrade student", label: "Undergraduate  Students", isChecked: true}
            6: {id: 6, value: "High School Students", label: "High School Students", isChecked: true}
            7: {id: 7, value: "Middle School Students", label: "Middle School Students", isChecked: true}
            8: {id: 8, value: "Elementary School Students", label: "Elementary School Students", isChecked: true}
      1: Array(4)
            0: {id: 0, value: "cog", label: "Cognitive disabilities", isChecked: false}
            1: {id: 1, value: "Eld", label: "Diversity of Abilities", isChecked: false}
            2: {id: 2, value: "Hear", label: "Hearing disabilities", isChecked: false}
            3: {id: 3, value: "Vis", label: "Visual disabilities", isChecked: true}

title: "WCAG 2.1 "
type: ""
_id: "vDtT9cazAM6RsNPRX"

Related issues

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This Feature is ready to be implemented.

CAndresH commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone, please review this bug, create a course again with the same characteristics, I have not had problems in this part, I cannot replicate the error, it may be because Camila's course is old

caroltaus commented 4 years ago

@CAndresH The page is crashing when i click on the "open syllabus" button, with this error: image

Also, just created a new course and the same error is happening there too

CAndresH commented 4 years ago

What kind of course did you create, guided, free, template?, did you set audiences? with what settings did you create the course?

caroltaus commented 4 years ago

@CAndresH Did it for graduate students as audience, with no intended inclusion goals, guided and without template by topics.

But tested now for a course guided+spiral model and the same thing is happening

ecureuill commented 4 years ago

I cannot replicate the error, it may be because Camila's course is old

Hi @CAndresH the course I created is not old, it was created this month, as you can see in the course properties log.

Is possible that the null value in analysis array be the problem?

CAndresH commented 3 years ago

@caroltaus @ecureuill

Hello I need help from you in this bug, it is not possible to reproduce this error on the server, I am attaching a video where I show that everything works well with the different configurations, thanks

caroltaus commented 3 years ago

@CAndresH Here's what happens when we try to access it

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

caroltaus commented 3 years ago

The previous error is fixed, but now i'm getting a new error for free courses: when I try to access the syllabus I get this page:


with this error in the console:


The configurations for this course are: Audiences: Graduate Students, No Inclusion Goals; Course Plan: Free, Without template, by topics; Program: a quiz activity.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test failed! Please, review your solution.

Please, move to CODED only when this feature is fully implemented

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This feature have been implemented and is ready for Funcional Test. Please, test the feature.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Functional Test passed! Please, make a PULL REQUEST or, if already merged, close the issue.