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Add type management for stock synonyms and trait synonyms #2607

Open bellerbrock opened 5 years ago

bellerbrock commented 5 years ago

Expected Behavior

The ability to add multiple synonyms for stocks and traits without a good system for distinguishing between them is causing problems. For example, which of multiple trait synonyms with different structures should be retrieved if the user wants to use trait synonyms rather than full names? Or for sweetpotato, how can CIP programs load their internal CIP number identifiers as stock synonyms ( or maybe name? )and then differentiate them from other synonyms?

We could make new trait_synonym_type and stock_synonym_type cvs, but then the questions is what sort of types should exist? Can we expect trait synonym types to be specified in the ontology? Should stock synonym types be constant across databases, or tailored to specific crops or even breeding programs?

For Bugs:


Steps to Reproduce

bauchetg commented 5 years ago

This is an important problem, having a breeding program related stock name configuration would be of a great help since each program has its own nomenclature. This come of extreme importance while field get designed and labeled. Breeding program are making effort to standardize naming conventions within themselves. From a user point of view it is essential to see the stock name define in the program as the main name. If not temptation is high to create a different stock having that preferred name.