solid-contrib / web-access-control-tests

Tests if a Solid server implements web access control correctly
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Feature: add tests for 'Origin' header #16

Open ylebre opened 3 years ago

ylebre commented 3 years ago

There are currently no checks for this part of the spec:

michielbdejong commented 3 years ago

Correct! I just totally forgot to write those. We don't need to test for the acl:trustedApp mechanism since that was always considered a bit of a stop-gap. But we should add tests for acl:origin, for instance this ACL doc:

@prefix : <#>.
@prefix n0: <>.
@prefix priv: <./>.
@prefix c: </profile/card#>.

    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:accessTo priv:;
    n0:agent c:me;
    n0:default priv:;
    n0:mode n0:Control, n0:Read, n0:Write.
    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:accessTo priv:;
    n0:default priv:;
    n0:mode n0:Read;
    n0:origin <>.

which is the ACL of my private folder, means that I have:

So the authorizations add up, and you need to be authorized for both your identity and (if you come cross-origin) for your origin.

edwardsph commented 3 years ago

So to make sure I understand, the origin authorization applies to all agent authorizations in the same ACL. There is no need to specify any agent in the origin authorization. This is what you mean by saying they add up. So if we added an authorization for the agent Bob to read this folder, then he would also only be able to do that from origin

michielbdejong commented 3 years ago

Ah wait, now I'm not sure anymore. It could either by that you need >=1 authorization for your origin and >=1 for your webid, but it could also be that you need >=1 authorization that combines the two in a single authorization. says "If the Origin is allowed by [any authorization in] the ACL" so that would imply "If the Origin is allowed by [any authorization in] the ACL", not necessarily "If the Origin is allowed by [that same authorization in] the ACL".

But to play it safe you could create two tests:

@csarven do you think that is correct? Is there anything you want to add?

ylebre commented 3 years ago

Just for clarification, consider the following acl rules:

@prefix acl: <>.

    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:agent </alice/profile/card#me>;
    acl:default <./>;
    acl:accessTo <./>;
    acl:mode acl:Control, acl:Read, acl:Write.

    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:origin <>
    acl:default <./>;
    acl:accessTo <./>;
    acl:mode acl:Read.

    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:agent </alice/profile/card#me>;
    acl:origin <>;
    acl:default <./>;
    acl:accessTo <./>;
    acl:mode acl:Write acl:Read.

The grants from the acl file are: Agent Alice has Read, Write, Control Agent Bob has Read, Write Origin has Read Origin has Read, Write

So combined with the origin, this would be: Without origin:

Agent alice (without origin) has Read, Write, Control Agent Bob (without origin) has Read, Write

With origin

Agent alice, from Origin has Read Agent Bob, from Origin has Read

With origin

Agent alice, from Origin has Read, Write Agent Bob, from Origin has Read, Write

Is this the right interpretation?