solid-design-system / solid

Monorepo for Union Investment's Solid Design System.
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feat: ✨ CSS variable to set max-height of sl-select and autocomplete #985

Open Fl0rianFischer opened 2 months ago

Fl0rianFischer commented 2 months ago

(edited by @mariohamann, original ticket at the bottom)

User Story

As a developer I want to easily override max-height for sl-select and the autocomplete pattern.

Technical Information

We could add --listbox-max-height which is set on the :host and then can be easily overridden.



Original ticket ## Current behavior The dropdown of the sd-select displays very weird behavior with many entries ## Expected behavior Dropdown should have max height and scrollable content if there are a lot of options ## Steps to reproduce See video
mariohamann commented 2 months ago


We currently don't limit the height on porpuse, as the HTML element behaves the same. The package we use under the hood ( sees, how much space is available on the screen and resizes accordingly. If your application wants to force to a max-height to improve UX for whatever reason, you can easily do that by setting the following:

  max-height: 134px;
  overflow-y: auto;

Here is a working example:

We will discuss this with design and maybe we'll provide an easier API for that in future. For that I'm rewriting your ticket, but from my perspective I don't expect this to be done soon. Meanwhile you should be safe using the part above. :)

mariohamann commented 2 months ago

For the thing with the missing border, I just created a new issue: