solid-software / solid_lints

🟧 Lints for Dart and Flutter based on software industry standards and best practices.
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New Lint: avoid_using_api #89

Closed getBoolean closed 5 months ago

getBoolean commented 7 months ago

Closes #81

This lint has a lot of edge cases. Tests are included to verify basic functionality.

Packages Added:


External code can be "deprecated" when there is a better option available:

    - avoid_using_api:
      severity: info
        - class_name: Future
          identifier: wait
          source: dart:async
          reason: "Future.wait should be avoided because it loses type safety for the results. Use a Record's `wait` method instead."
          severity: warning


void main() async {
  await Future.wait([...]); // LINT
  await (...,).wait; // OK

Advanced Usage

Each entry also has includes and excludes parameters. These paths utilize Glob patterns to determine if a lint entry should be applied to a file.

For example, a lint to prevent usage of a domain-only package outside of the domain folder:

    - avoid_using_api:
      severity: info
        - source: package:modddels
            - "**/domain/**.dart"
          reason: "MODDDELS is only intended to be used in the domain layer."
getBoolean commented 7 months ago

I addressed most of the comments, the ones remaining are:

  1. Rename parameter id to something that represents methods and variables, not sure what to name it.
  2. Make source required. What should it do if source is not provided?
  3. Rename lint. I'll add deprecate_external_api as an additional choice
yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 7 months ago

@getBoolean Apologies for a tardy response -- I see you've made quite a bit of progress!

  1. Rename parameter id to something that represents methods and variables, not sure what to name it.

Maybe pattern? You are using glob matching under the hood, seems consistent.

  1. Make source required. What should it do if source is not provided?

I'd say just ignore it, and provide ample warning in rule documentation & usage examples.

  1. Rename lint. I'll add deprecate_external_api as an additional choice

Oh this one sparked quite a discussion :D

The consensus was to use the avoid_using_api name.

getBoolean commented 7 months ago

@yurii-prykhodko-solid glob pattern matching is only used for includes/excludes filepaths, not the id/class name. Is that something we want to change?

yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 7 months ago

@getBoolean Ah, confused the two. Then pattern is no good.

lexeme? May be too broad in meaning. symbol? Not really a common term in context of Dart lang.

And both of the above seem just as confusing as id to me. So I'd say we can leave it as is.

@solid-vovabeloded maybe you have some ideas?

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

@yurii-prykhodko-solid Where should I put the lint documentation?

yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 6 months ago


  • Rename parameter id to something that represents methods and variables, not sure what to name it.

Discussed this internally, the consensus was to use identifier, with no abbreviation. "Identifier" is the term Dart team uses for everything named -- functions, variables, classnames, which seems consistent with what the lint is expecting.

Where should I put the lint documentation?

That is an interesting question -- so far we've been maintaining this project as a drop-in solution, keeping configuration as minimal as it's possible, and therefore with little library user facing documentation.

I'd say we can leave this as an issue on this repo until we come up with a general approach of documenting our lints.

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

I think that's everything!

I do think documentation is needed, it will be very useful to know what all the lints are and what triggers them. Documentation for lints options can be included alongside that.

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

I hope that is everything.

illia-romanenko commented 6 months ago

Nice! Our CI still fails - it feels like we need to fix those issues before merging?

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

Not sure why its failing, I'll look into it when I get home from vacation in a week.

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

I've confirmed it working correctly on Windows and MacOS. It might be an issue somewhere in AvoidUsingApiLinter._matchesSource on Linux or CI causing the source check to fail.

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

Good thing I setup Windows/Linux dual boot already, made tracking down the issue a lot easier.

The issue was that node.sourceUrl would return the filepath on Linux for project files, while it was always the package path on Windows/MacOS. In the documentation, maybe we should specifically state that doing source: package:myapp will not work on Linux and should be avoided. I updated the lint_test code to move the banned code to another package.

I also found two edge cases while debugging and fixed them

yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 6 months ago

In the documentation, maybe we should specifically state that doing source: package:myapp will not work on Linux and should be avoided.

Which makes sense -- that's what 'Deprecated' is for.

Let's add this as a note in code documentation, I think the AvoidUsingApiEntryParameters docs are the right place.

yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 6 months ago

Let's add this as a note in code documentation, I think the AvoidUsingApiEntryParameters docs are the right place.


@getBoolean Let me know if you're happy with my changes, then we can finish this up.

yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 6 months ago

@getBoolean Looks like there's some more issues -- CI still in the red.

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

Before we merge, I want to investigate making _matchesSource take a non nullable parent source url, it was hiding a lint issue before.

@yurii-prykhodko-solid it looks like pub get needs to be run on those test packages in CI, is that possible?

yurii-prykhodko-solid commented 6 months ago

@yurii-prykhodko-solid it looks like pub get needs to be run on those test packages in CI, is that possible?

Sure -- have a stab at our CI file. A find -> exec or a find -> for should do the trick.

UPD: Happened to need this on a different project, CI now fetches dependencies for all pubspecs it can find.

getBoolean commented 6 months ago

Thanks, I think that is everything now