solid / authentication-panel

GitHub repository for the Solid Authentication Panel
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Discovery mechanism for Solid Spec conformance #108

Closed acoburn closed 3 years ago

acoburn commented 3 years ago

Given that a Solid app may interact with any number of identity providers, there should be a mechanism by which the app can determine whether the IdP conforms to the Solid-OIDC specification.

This would affect whether an app can send an external client webid as a client_id as part of the authorization code flow or whether the app needs some other mechanism for identifying the client registration (e.g. dynamic client registration)

Typically, OIDC discovery happens at the /.well-known/openid-configuration resource. And per section 4.2 of OpenID Connect Discovery, "other claims MAY also be returned".

I would like to suggest that we add a section to this specification related to discovery such that a conforming Solid-OIDC identity provider indicates to clients that it conforms to the Solid-OIDC spec.

For example, the JSON response to /.well-known/openid-configuration could include this key, indicating which specification is supported:

   "solid_openid_supported": ""

My main concern here is having a mechanism for a client to discovery whether the IdP can be used for Solid-OIDC negotiation. I am open to better ideas about the key/value pair used in the discovery document.

justinwb commented 3 years ago

This makes a lot of sense - noting that we'll want to use