solid / authentication-panel

GitHub repository for the Solid Authentication Panel
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Decide on header/mechanism for reporting auth metadata for a Solid pod (RS) #4

Open dmitrizagidulin opened 5 years ago

dmitrizagidulin commented 5 years ago

As both the authentication and authorization/acl systems for Solid evolve, it would be helpful to standardize on (and document) some way to inform clients as to which system (and spec version) a particular storage pod (Resource Server, in oauth2 terms) is running.

For example, currently, we use the scope param of the WWW-Authenticate response header, to help solid-auth-client figure out which auth mode a Solid server is running in (WebID-TLS-only, or WebID-OIDC).

So, for node-solid-servers running in WebID-OIDC mode, on a 401 Unauthorized response, the server returns the following header:

WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="<pod serverUrl>", scope="openid webid"

The scope maps to, roughly:

(This was included to help solid-auth-client decide on how to interface with the server).

So, we have several questions before us:

dmitrizagidulin commented 4 years ago

The consensus from the 2019-10-21 Authentication panel meeting was:

  1. Yes, we should use the WWW-Authenticate response header as the designated mechanism for a Resource Server to communicate which authentication method that server is using.
  2. The registry of supported methods should live in the top-level Solid spec. (With the understanding that the initial 1.0 spec version will support just one mechanism.)
dmitrizagidulin commented 4 years ago

I think the question still remains (which I forgot to bring up in the meeting):

Which attribute of the WWW-Authenticate header do we use to communicate the authentication mechanism a server is using?

Currently, Node Solid Server is using the scope attribute, where scope="openid webid" means "WebID-OIDC".

Are folks ok continuing to use that attribute?

bblfish commented 4 years ago

Well according to the Mozilla document on WWW-Authenticate,

WWW-Authenticate: <type> realm=<realm>

you use the type to specify the types of authentication methods allowed. They list an IANA registry of those.

My guess is that if the server wants to offer a number of different methods, it should send a number of WWW-Authenticate headers. I am not sure where the scope keyword comes from.

zenomt commented 4 years ago
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope="tls webid", realm="whatever"

is improper, because it has nothing to do with OAuth2-style bearer tokens. a different auth-scheme should have been used for this case, like

WWW-Authenticate: WebID-TLS realm="whatever"

if we're going to document deprecated legacy behavior that was deployed, putting the Bearer scope="tls webid" in a registry somewhere is fine and all, but if we wanted to be serious about WebID-TLS again, transitioning to a different auth-scheme would be more appropriate.

while we're at it, i've always had a problem with using the Bearer auth-scheme for the current POPToken scheme, since POPTokens, being manufactured by the client instead of being issued to the client by the RS's authorization server (#1, #12), aren't in the spirit of OAuth2 bearer tokens (that is, they're as much a "bearer token" as the Base64(username ":" password) of HTTP Basic Auth). in an ideal world, a different auth-scheme would have been used for this too, like

WWW-Authenticate: Solid-POPToken realm="whatever"
dmitrizagidulin commented 4 years ago

@zenomt All good points. The scope="tls webid" was just a historical solid-auth-client implementation note; not intending to carry it forward.

elf-pavlik commented 4 years ago

i've always had a problem with using the Bearer auth-scheme for the current POPToken scheme

DPoP draft intends to register DPoP token type for Bearer authentication scheme

OAuth Access Token Type Registration

This specification registers the following access token type in the OAuth Access Token Types registry defined in [RFC6749].

  • Type name: "DPoP"
  • Additional Token Endpoint Response Parameters: (none)
  • HTTP Authentication Scheme(s): Bearer
    • Change controller: IETF
  • Specification document(s): [[ this specification ]]

Also in Justin's book I've noticed use of PoP

HTTP POST /foo Host: Authorization: PoP eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdCI6ICI4dXloZ3Q2Nzg5MDQ5...

Not sure how those two registries supposed to work together

If we use authentication scheme in WWW-Authenticate header, we can't really communicate token type. Possibly related to mentioned tendency to conflate authentication and authorization.

dmitrizagidulin commented 4 years ago

@elf-pavlik Ahhh yeah, ok, you're right, the DPoP draft spec does specify using 'DPoP' as the Authentication scheme.

So then we'll use as a response header:

WWW-Authenticate: DPoP realm="<optional realm>" scope="openid webid"

to indicate that the RS supports the DPoP presentation mechanism.