solid / data-interoperability-panel

Repository for the Solid Data Interoperability Panel
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Social Feeds / Profiles - this panel or separate? #4

Closed dmitrizagidulin closed 4 years ago

dmitrizagidulin commented 5 years ago

Question for the panel. Would it make sense to have a separate Social Feeds panel (to recommend / standardize things like how to model social media operations like following / followed by, ActivityStreams 2 feeds, interop with ActivityPub and/or RSS, etc)? Similarly, we're currently informally using the WebID Profile for userinfo / social profile (in addition for using it for authentication and settings/preferences). It would be great to separate those concerns, and standardize the social profile aspect of it.

Do we want to handle it here in the Data Interop panel, or in a separate panel?

RubenVerborgh commented 5 years ago

Below is my personal opinion.

There are two things we need to do within Solid:

  1. data model alignment such that, in the short term, apps interoperate because they use the exact same vocabularies / data shapes. I consider these guidance, not mandatory. They have a placeholder here:

  2. data model alignment mechanisms such that, in the long term, pods can use whatever vocabularies / data shapes they want, but apps will still interoperate. I consider these mandatory (when ready). They have a placeholder here:

Also see for the distinction.

To now more directly answer your question, concrete data models belong in 1. It is something we could/should investigate in this panel.

dmitrizagidulin commented 5 years ago

@RubenVerborgh - I completely agree; those two items are a really important distinction.

So as far as item 1, data model alignment, where should that guidance discussion take place? a) here in this panel, b) a separate Social Feeds panel, or even c) External Outreach / Interop (the parts about interoperating with ActivityPub etc)?

RubenVerborgh commented 5 years ago

a) for me; but there might be two parallel streams in this panel then.

dmitrizagidulin commented 4 years ago

Ok, going with "let's standardize social feed / profile stuff in this panel", then. (Closing this issue, question answered.)