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Solid the comic #21

Open phochste opened 2 years ago

phochste commented 2 years ago

I'm planning to do a "Solvember" comic on Twitter : each day of November a new comic about a Solid topic..based on my own notes learning about Solid. It is more form a technical viewpoint .. Are there people here who would like to help me a bit to see if I don't make mistakes, drawing/saying things that are not true?

Here is an example:

Untitled_Artwork 7

I'm a part time comic artist to my phd research on decentralised web.

csarven commented 2 years ago

Great idea / contribution! Please share far and wide. Happy to review.

csarven commented 2 years ago

I'd suggest to not emphasise on "Linked Data Protocol" or "LDP". Perhaps just generally "Linked Data". It is true that Solid Protocol borrows a bit from LDP (and Solid server can be built on top of LDP) but for the most part Solid draws from plain ol' HTTP.

"No need for a server" may be a bit misleading. All applications interact with a server. Perhaps you meant to emphasise that the UI of the application is decoupled from the data on the server.

phochste commented 2 years ago

@csarven wow, thanks for the help if you find time. Here is the stash of drawings I already did. I'll update some based on your input this weekend.

csarven commented 2 years ago

Will go over.

Have you considered what will be the persistent URL for these?

Does this have its own repo? We could create one under solid/ if necessary.

It'd be great to have an ongoing project providing both visual and auditory explanations of Solid. There was some interest / work in the community in this space - names/links completely escape me right now. I'll have to dig around.

@KyraAssaad , what do you think/advise?

You're welcome to reuse/purpose anything of interest from these visuals:

phochste commented 2 years ago

@csarven I'm willing to store them anywhere. I'm part of the solid organisation (but just for a few days). I don't know of the etiquette here if I can just create my own repo, or add things to this repo.

KyraAssaad commented 2 years ago

Wow, great work @phochste! I love your drawing style. This would be really great to highlight in the community and have it live somewhere accessible to newcomers.

With the ongoing redesign of, I believe we can find a place on the site for community-created resources for learning about Solid. Pinging @MarrelleBailey so we can take this into account!

jeff-zucker commented 2 years ago

I agree with Kyra and would like to suggest something in addition. I am in the process of writing a glossary of terms and abbreviations aimed at beginners. I have ideas for illustrations but no skillz. Perhaps we could work together to use your drawings as illustrations to accompany the glossary.