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Define all Product Classes #143

Open CxRes opened 1 year ago

CxRes commented 1 year ago

Currently, we describe product classes as building upon standards in 1.3.3, but (for some terms) we do not explicitly define what they are or explain their purpose anywhere in the document.

Since, we link to 1.3.3 when these product classes occur in the document, it would be helpful if we defined them as well! Even if they seem self-explanatory, imho we should make them explicit.

csarven commented 1 year ago

I'm unclear about your inquiry. Is it that some products classes are underdefined or needs better definitions, or is it to define new products?

It is true that each concept in the concept scheme (#classes-of-products) doesn't link out to the rest of the document, but the concept scheme does provide some orientation FWIW:

These products are referenced throughout this specification.

CxRes commented 1 year ago

Subscription Client, Subscription Server and Resource Server can do with one line definitions of what they are and/or what they do (not just what they build on) as these products are repeatedly referenced to throughout the document.