solid / solid-wg-charter

Proposed charter for the W3C Solid Working Group
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Review from TAG should be requested prior to Member review #15

Closed csarven closed 7 months ago

csarven commented 1 year ago

As part of horizontal review, review from TAG should be requested to improve the charter prior to going to Members.

There will most certainly be clarifications requested on how the Solid Protocol (and related works) fit with other W3C works. For example, LDP, ActivityPub.

Other considerations will be: major unresolved issues or oppositions to design.

Possibly other details like how was the work funded...

Clarifications on how well the work fits within the ethical web principles and societal impact (see also )

pchampin commented 1 year ago

More generally, horizontal reviews will be requested before the AC review, indeed.

csarven commented 7 months ago

This topic was deliberated, at least in e.g., CG meetings and possibly elsewhere.

The 2023-09 version of the Solid WG charter proposal did not benefit from a TAG review because the feedback wasn't available until after the Members had reviewed it.

The TAG review of the 2023-09 charter proposal is now available.