solid / solid-wg-charter

Proposed charter for the W3C Solid Working Group
9 stars 5 forks source link

Update background to clarify Solid and comparisons #30

Closed csarven closed 1 year ago

csarven commented 1 year ago


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jeff-zucker commented 1 year ago

"Storage is controlled by individuals or organizations" - works for me, thanks!

csarven commented 1 year ago

As per 2023-05-10 meeting , the group noted no objections to this PR and agreed to hand it off to @pchampin for review/merge.

pchampin commented 1 year ago

Re. the advance notice: this is an announcement that the charter is worked on -- it does not imply that it is stable yet. So no problem in merging a PRs at this point. This will be different once we request horizontal review.