solid / solid-wg-charter

Proposed charter for the W3C Solid Working Group
9 stars 5 forks source link

What are the Solid User Stories? #67

Closed melvincarvalho closed 2 months ago

melvincarvalho commented 7 months ago

It the charter it says:

"Solid servers and applications across a wide range of use cases. "

Which points to:

A repository that has not changed for 3 years. Someone visiting that link or the issues page will be none the wiser as to what Solid does

The question was even asked over a year ago which of these use cases have been implemented. No one could answer.

What actually can Solid do today? Which of the use cases are compelling, can get broad adoption, and are actually working?

pchampin commented 2 months ago

The goal of this link is to demonstrate that the Solid community has worked on gathering user stories. This repository is evidence for that, and it can be used as a starting point by the WG (which, as the charter proposal points out, is expected to revisit and extend it).

It could be more fresh and/ore more detailed, but it is in my view better than nothing.