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Keep old tagline #831

Closed michielbdejong closed 6 months ago

michielbdejong commented 6 months ago

For discussion.

I agree with @csarven that "third layer" is not very accurate, although I don't feel strongly about it either, any tagline people want is fine with me. I'm just proposing this because it seems that the simplest thing we can do probably is just stick to the tag line we had.

This is what it looks like:

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 15 59 25

jeff-zucker commented 6 months ago

I prefere "people and communities" to "individuals and groups".

I prefer "advancing the web" to "advancing web standards" - yes the standards are central, no interest in writing standards is not what is going to bring most people to or get them involved in Solid.

TallTed commented 6 months ago

The changes in came from @jeff-zucker, not me. I'm OK with "advancing the web" but I find "people and communities" to feel like it does not include companies and various other groups that don't feel like they're "communities"... I'll live with the "people and communities" language, but it's not at all my favorite.

jeff-zucker commented 6 months ago

I hear your objection, Ted. I'm not sure companies feel like "groups" to themselves either.

jeff-zucker commented 6 months ago

Perhaps "organizations" is better than either "groups" or "communities".

timbl commented 6 months ago

In the ontology yes Organization is superclass of Projec company team etc

TallTed commented 6 months ago

To me, "organization" implies a degree of formality which is not required to be a "group". This is one reason that for this (and similar) use, I strongly advise "groups" instead of "organizations" or "businesses" or "communities".