solid / specification

Solid Technical Reports
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Add 2024-01-09 agenda and minutes #611

Closed VirginiaBalseiro closed 5 months ago

VirginiaBalseiro commented 5 months ago

I think for each action we should write down who picked it up

Two of them have you assigned @csarven , do you remember if the third one was assigned to you too?

ACTION: Move discussion on 2023 election procedure into dedicated document in w3c-cg/solid. SC to PR.

ACTION: Create issue to template the procedure. SC.

ACTION: Create issue and document considerations on minuting in w3c-cg/solid.

csarven commented 5 months ago

Perhaps somewhat implied that it is assigned to me but anyone can take it on if they'd like to. For now, it can be assigned to me since I raised the consideration / path forward. I don't mind either way.