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Add TR/2024/protocol-20240512 #651

Closed csarven closed 4 weeks ago

csarven commented 1 month ago

Add Solid Protocol, Version 0.11.0. Publishes:

"This version" is a request to be published as a CG-DRAFT report of the Solid CG.

The #changelog section indicates changes since TR/2022/protocol-20221231.

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csarven commented 1 month ago

@ W3C Team :

The copyright line in this PR adheres to the Community Group Report Requirements. So, the following statement, which appears in the Editor's Draft, has been removed:

All code snippets are in the public domain, CC0.

@ianbjacobs @rigow, if the above statement is deemed acceptable for inclusion in the CG-DRAFT (this PR), please inform us (CG) so that it can be added to this PR.

@ Solid CG :

Publish TR/2024/protocol-20240512 (and update TR/protocol)
Pre-approve the publication of PROPOSAL 1, including possible editorial changes (correction classes 1-2), where they are first made to ED/protocol, and then integrated into documents listed in PROPOSAL 1. SC to update PR and merge.

The purpose of this PR is to publish "This version" and "Latest published version," both based on the latest editor's draft: All other types of change requests should go through the editor's draft instead of this PR and may potentially be incorporated into a separate version.

ianbjacobs commented 1 month ago

@csarven, thank you for working on this. I will try to get back to you quickly regarding your copyright question.

ianbjacobs commented 1 month ago


@rigow and I chatted. First a question: what does "code snippets" refer to? I looked at the spec and the only thing that looked like a code snippet was one example in section 5.3.1.

Regarding copyright here is our guidance:

I hope that will work,


coolharsh55 commented 1 month ago

Hi. Noticed one of the acknowledged persons have their name in Telugu (I think - దామోదర) and not in English (the language of the document): Is this intentional?

csarven commented 1 month ago

@coolharsh55 Yes, it is intentional. Source markup is <span lang="te" xml:lang="te">దామోదర</span>. I wanted to use names in original languages as much as possible. I have pinged @damooo on Matrix a few days ago as to what they'd prefer, but didn't get a response yet. Thanks for the ping, perhaps they can chime in with their preference.

If you or others prefer their name to use a specific lang tag, please let me know or PR against the editor's draft.

csarven commented 1 month ago

@elf-pavlik :

In Solid Protocol ED, I've introduced a dl for "Version" using semver as value:

Same goes for:

If that's adequate (for you), let me know, they can make their way into their respective CG-DRAFT PRs.

csarven commented 1 month ago

Thanks @ianbjacobs @rigow .

Yes, in this particular case, the code in applying an N3 patch example.

I'd like to note that while the code in this particular example is valid, can be processed and executed, it relies on particular "example" data that is essentially unlikely to occur in the wild with the potential case of data/scripts part of a Test Suite (QA). Anyone wishing to not get tangled up with licensing in their test software, i.e., if W3C Software license is not preferable and CC0 is, could change the terms in the example code.

IANAL, but even in the case where the specification may be interpreted as "software", the example code possibly being under the CC0 license doesn't offer anything besides the W3C Software license (as per the Solid CG charter: ).

Thus far we had no need to separate the example code from specifications into separate files, so I do not see an incentive at the moment. If such need arises, we can do that.

My suggestion to the Solid CG:

  1. Keep this PR as is without the mention of "All code snippets are in the public domain, CC0."
  2. Also update the ED to remove the said text.

(And do the same for the other specifications proposed as CG-DRAFT.)

I believe this is still compatible with the Solid CG charter but 1) IANAL, 2) we already had long discussions on this topic when working on the charter, and 3) at the end of the day it needs to be acceptable by W3C if we want to publish a W3C CG-DRAFT report. But I understand that some individuals may have a different perspective or preference, so I'm all ears as to what the CG wants here.

elf-pavlik commented 1 month ago

In Solid Protocol ED, I've introduced a dl for "Document Version" using semver as value

This works, thanks! I would consider calling it "Semantic Version" since this name is already broadly recognized.

csarven commented 4 weeks ago


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