solid / type-indexes

About Type Indexes and how they can be used by Solid developers.
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Change reference from vcard:AddressBook to vcard:VCard #35

Open csarven opened 1 week ago

csarven commented 1 week ago

vcard:AddressBook is not defined in vcard-rdf.

vcard:AddressBook is used in the context for solid:forClass in the Type Indexes specification. References to "address book" should use vcard:VCard (as in the case with solid:forClass).

Noting that proposes to use TI for "high level index" so that libraries with domain specific indexes can be referenced. While an address book is among a good example of such index, it can't be expressed with vCard as it stands without introducing new definitions (vcard:AddressBook or another).

josephguillaume commented 4 days ago

vcard:AddressBook is in use in the contacts pane

Given this, perhaps a more appropriate solution is to change both this spec and the contacts pane to use solid:AddressBook, or to define a new vocab management process by which new high level indexes can be defined designed for use specifically with Solid?

This would need to be done fairly quickly because it's also used in: