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Fix/ws storage comment #50

Closed csarven closed 3 years ago

csarven commented 3 years ago

Based on implementation experience..


kjetilk commented 3 years ago

Allright, but without knowing that implementation experience, it is a bit hard to provide a review...

csarven commented 3 years ago

@timbl I've branched this off PR 49's branch.. and so it appears to show the switch from ttl to n3. The actual update to the comment is in this commit (linked above).

@kjetilk It occurred to me that while the ontology didn't specify a rdfs:domain for ws:storage, and so, as far as the machines are concerned, no issue. However, the human-readable rdfs:comment was stuck on the initial use of the property and didn't get updated to reflect how we've been using it. The most common usage is actually agent having a storage eg: <> <> <> .

The update doesn't interfere with the domain and reflects what's in the wild. Alternatively, we bash in a domain and break existing publishing practice and applications. Not a good path.

TallTed commented 3 years ago

Maybe this could be rebased?

kidehen commented 3 years ago

The :storage property definition need an rdfs:domain relation for additional usage clarity.

The :comment relations associated with Workspace related classes look fine, from my vantage point.

Here's one my profile docs demonstrating how I use pim:storage. Basically, the rdfs:domain is a foaf:Agent and rdfs:range is a foaf:Document.

scenaristeur commented 3 years ago


rdfs:range is a foaf:Document

?? I thought the range of a ws:storage was something like ldp:Container . Am I wrong ?

gibsonf1 commented 3 years ago

For TrinPod, we created a new subclass of foaf:Agent called solid-user and use that for the domain of space:storage:

for ldp:inbox, we use the ldp-user as the domain

@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix neo: <> .
@prefix pext: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
    neo:m_cid \"s_user\"^^xsd:string ;
    a skos:Concept ;
    rdfs:label \"User\"^^xsd:string ;
    neo:t_genus foaf:Agent .
    neo:m_cid \"s_ldp-user\"^^xsd:string ;
    neo:t_genus pext:User ;
    a skos:Concept .
    neo:m_cid \"s_solid-user\"^^xsd:string ;
    neo:t_genus neo:s_ldp-user ;
    a skos:Concept .