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Add acl:TrustedApp #64

Open timbl opened 2 years ago

timbl commented 2 years ago

This is used as a way in the Solid Authentication for a user to say that a given web app (origin) is trusted and should not be blocked by cross-site security.

coolharsh55 commented 1 year ago

IMHO the term Trusted has much broader connotations than what is referred here (ref. turning off XSS protection), and once used in this manner, may be difficult to redefine. For example, to express an app is 'trusted' to always access/use some data in some way, or that it has passed some arbitrary conditions (e.g. set of guidelines, codes of conduct).

A better term may be OriginTrustedApp to explicitly denote the 'trust' is for the origin (which would point towards cross-site security).

csarven commented 1 year ago

I came to the same conclusion based on my observation of its use in the community in that the "origin" part was sometimes overlooked or misapplied in the same way for acl:origin. I took that into account and tried to be clear in FWIW.

I may be mistaken but I think Tim intended acl:trustedApp as a property instead of a class which is used by implementations but haven't yet made its way into the ACL Ontology.