solid / web-access-control-spec

Web Access Control (WAC)
MIT License
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Proposed Fix to: Loss of Access with lower level ACL (Effective ACL Resource Algorithm) #102

Open gibsonf1 opened 2 years ago

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

The current Effective ACL Resource Algorithm enables the following which would not be the intent of the users involved:

teamx has default read/write/control to a container which has a 5 level container hierarchy under it. teamx wants to collaborate with person1 and creates a non default read/write acl on a container 3 levels down. Unless teamx copies the top level acl when creating the person1 acl, they will lose access.

Magnitude of the problem example: Alice has a pod with 1000 containers and gives Bob default read/write access to the root. Alice then collaborates with 5 other people in various containers carefully copying the intent of giving Bob access to all these other containers. At one point Alice would like to remove Bob's access, and now there are 100 acls copied in those 1000 containers. What does she do now?

A very simple solution to this avoiding all the copying and systems needed to manage where the copies are etc, is to make a very small revision to the algorithm such that the requesting agent is taken into consideration and only applicable acls are returned:

Effective ACL Resource Algorithm

    To determine the effective ACL resource of a resource, perform the following steps. Returns string (the URI of an ACL Resource).

        Let resource be the resource.
        Let agent be the requesting agent
        Let aclResource be the ACL resource of resource.
        If resource has an associated aclResource with a representation, and that aclResource applies to the agent, return aclResource.
        Otherwise, repeat the steps using the container resource of resource.

This will perform in the exact same way as the original algorithm intent, but simplify the use of acls dramatically and avoid all of the many issues that arise with access when copying and deleting acls around is not done correctly based on the intent of users.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

Yes, @RubenVerborgh the agent-class does need to be treated differently, revised accordingly:

Effective ACL Resource Algorithm

    To determine the effective ACL resource of a resource, perform the following steps. Returns string (the URI of an ACL Resource).

        Let resource be the resource.
        Let agent be the requesting agent or agent-class      
        Let aclResource be the ACL resource of resource.
        If resource has an associated aclResource with a representation, and that aclResource applies to the agent, return aclResource.
        Otherwise, repeat the steps using the container resource of resource.
bblfish commented 2 years ago

@gibsonf1 wrote

A very simple solution to this avoiding all the copying and systems needed to manage where the copies are etc,

To avoiding copying data around I have proposed to add an :imports relation to the ontology - see issue 210 of authz panel. That would solve your problem I think. I had not thought at the time how it meshes with default reasoning, so let me try here.

Let us say the BBC has a set of default rules </default.acl> which give access to resources tagged over18 to people who can prove they are over 18, to over13 to those who can prove they are older than 13, etc... Let us say that there is some other resource in </health/2021/08/09/covid/questionaire/users/> where the rule should be that those who fill in the form and The BBC are the only ones able to write the info. But they would be able to upload videos too there and make them public.

Then by creating an acl </health/2021/08/09/covid/questionaire/users/default.acl> like this

<> :imports </default.acl>.
// new rules to limit access to The BBC and those who created the subcontainer

One would not need to duplicate the rules further down the hierarchy.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

@bblfish You can just do that with nested groups and the much simpler agent based algorithm

bblfish commented 2 years ago

If resource has an associated aclResource with a representation, and that aclResource applies to the agent, return aclResource. Otherwise, repeat the steps using the container resource of resource.

That requires the system to know who the agent is already. That kind of makes sense for the case where one wants to edit the ACL on one's own POD, but not for the much more widely needed cases where one wants to allow read or write access to a resource that one comes across by following links across the web. After all the client may not know what credential it needs to present to be able to gain read or write access. It may not be logged in. For example in The BBC example I gave above, you as a client, may not know what type of age credential you should present, and even if an age credential is the right thing to present.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

@bblfish The system does know who the agent is given the webid in the token making the request.

For the age issue, that is a different but very interesting problem, how would the system know how old someone is for one thing? Assuming there were some way to capture that, you could use agent-classes that represent different age groups and give access to those classes.

bblfish commented 2 years ago

@bblfish The system does know who the agent is given the webid in the token making the request.

Doing that only allows you to implement a very limited set of use cases, which are similar to closed social networks.

On open social networks, A person can have a multiplicity of WebIds, one for work, for home, for the government, The BBC, etc.... A person may be known under any of those webIDs across the social web. Which one should the user choose? All of them? That would lead to a privacy problem for the user. Indeed we have a use case for that Minimal Credentials disclosure.

For the age issue, that is a different but very interesting problem, how would the system know how old someone is for one thing?

For age, an option would be Verifiable Credentials of some form.

Assuming there were some way to capture that, you could use agent-classes that represent different age groups and give access to those classes.

Yes, I gave an example of how one could express that in OWL nearly a year ago in this comment. An OWL like this could do

<#PersonOver21> owl:equivalentClass [  a owl:Restriction;
      owl:onProperty :hasAge ;
          [ rdf:type   rdfs:Datatype ;
            owl:onDatatype       xsd:integer ;
            owl:withRestrictions (  [ xsd:minExclusive     21 ]   [ xsd:maxInclusive    150 ] )
       ] .   

There are more examples on the authorization panel meeting of 2021-04-28 where we discussed that a length, comparing it to ACP.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

@bblfish I'm not sure I understand. I for one will have only one personal pod that I authenticate with where I want all my stuff to be, and of course others can do other things. But whatever webid you do authenticate with, that is the one the system will use for permissions. And there can only be one single webid in the auth token.

And that authenticated webid can be the member of countless groups or groups of groups allowing any kind of social access you like.

bblfish commented 2 years ago

@gibsonf1 you are describing the use case where you want to just store your own personal data on your store, and perhaps make some part of it public. That allows only two access modes really: public information and private information.

But the aim of Solid (Social Linked Data) is much wider: we want to create decentralised Social Networks where we can follow links across the web to arrive on other Pods around the World, so that we can read our friends or colleagues news feeds, comment on those, post pictures, make meetings etc... Each resource an be access controlled in this system. Also we can and will have different identifiers and credentials. So there is no way a client can know ahead of following a resource in such an open system under what credentials an resource is authorized. Hence we are back at my points above.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

@bblfish I'm a big fan of the use case you describe which is fully compatible with this proposed acl fix etc. In our system, you can control permission down to a single triple, and we also now have non-personal agent pods such as business and project pods

But for managing social access, you simply use vcard:hasMember and create groups with webids. And additionally, you can create a group agent pod and grant access to all in that group with acl:agent-group group-webid. And the members of the group can also be groups, its a recursive algorithm

bblfish commented 2 years ago

which is fully compatible with this proposed acl fix etc

I don't think it is: you seem to require the POD to know the identity of the client before the client has had time to read the ACL. Have I misunderstood?

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

If I am a Solid server, and I get an authenticated request, I know the webid of the authenticated requestor as its embedded in the encrypted token. The client doesnt get to read the acl unless they are the controller of that acl and request it explcitly. The client only see the WAC-Allow header which shows both the authenticated-user access and public access

bblfish commented 2 years ago

If I am a Solid server, and I get an authenticated request, I know the webid of the authenticated requestor as its embedded in the encrypted token. The client doesn't get to read the acl unless they are the controller of that acl and request it explcitly.

Yes, that is fine for closed systems I described above here, but not for the open systems I described above.

As I explained if you require your client to authenticate on an open system before it knows the rules of engagement you are creating a privacy problem for the client: it has to try out every identifier randomly to access a resource. It is also slow and wasteful, but those problems pale in the light of the client privacy problem you have created. Indeed the privacy problem is so big that it forces the only use case to be the closed one I described here.

This is really a high level conceptual problem I am describing here. That your store gives access to single triples or not has no bearing on it.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

@bblfish I'm clearly not understanding the issue. Can you define an open system? If that means public, then Solid fully supports that by giving access to foaf:Agent. Also, the group definitions, if intended for use by anyone, would need to be public readable. Also, maybe this discussion should be on gitter forums as its not part of this particular wac issue?

bblfish commented 2 years ago

Can you define an open system?

There are some new mathematical definitions of open systems that look very interesting and that show these to be the key difference between physics systems (closed) and biology (open). See the twitter thread for details.

But in our situation it means that new PODs can come to join and that there are links from one POD to another. The people and PODs in the network are not know in advance and can change over time, and there is no central authority to tell who is in and who is out.

In that system we want not just private/public protection but protection to group members. That can be done without loss of privacy. I described that here in the issue on ACLs on ACLs. (I am not so sure anymore about it being a good idea to have the inferencing on acl:accessTo (as dotted lines) in that diagram, so just imagine the dotted lines to be full).

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

It doesn't make sense to talk about this here, maybe you can post a concrete example of something Solid can't do that you are concerned about on the gitter specification channel?

bblfish commented 2 years ago

maybe you can post a concrete example of something Solid can't do

I believe that Solid and WAC can fulfil all our use cases. But not if we restrict the POD to know the user in advance of him seeing the access control rules. ACP wants to drop that limitation (see timbl's intervention in TPAC last week) and it is very easy for WAC to do that too. Indeed the ACLs on ACLs proposal shows how.

Please take some time to read through the links I have already give you above. There is a lot of information there.

timbl commented 2 years ago

Meanwhile, going back to the original proposal I don't see the logic of it, in that you have introduced inheritance but only in a very limited case, making the system MUCH more complicated, and to limited benefit. I feel that if you roll this out users will be in the end more confused, and there will be more cases in which they get nasty surprises than with WAC. You say and ACL file which "applies to" the agent is the one where the iteration stops. Where "applies to" can be a group membership. So the scan up the tree does involve testing group membership. (but I gather not class membership like AuthenticatedUser or Agent.)

Random example

If Alice is accessing /foo/bar/baz/grimpsh then if she is a member of friends, she will see that the public have write access but if she is not and is a member of Family she will see the public has Append access. If she is in neither group, she will think the public have read access. This is because you are jumping out with a single ACL file from the algorithm, which is gives you unintended consequences.

Other things people have considered for WAC in the past have been a stop_here flag to optionally exit the iteration up the tree, or a inherit() (as Henry mention) function to explicitly pull in other ACLs. Those seem to be to be general in effect and more powerful, but at the same time simpler to specify, and to implement and to how to users.

Have you looked at ACP? Its targets cases which need more complexity for more power.

gibsonf1 commented 2 years ago

@timbl I think the key issue for the user is being able to control permission the way they intend, and to very easily change that control when they intend as well. So with the current proposal, a user has to copy the same intent from the top level share to all lower level shares, such that managing intent becomes impossible as collaboration scales at all. From the user perspective, if they grant someone root level default read, they would likely not expect that they have to grant this again in as many more acls are created down hierarchy of containers. And that same user would likely expect that when they revoke that root level defaut access to a given agent, that that agent no longer has access, when in fact they would have to then go through the entire hierarchy and find every copied acl of that original intent and revise it. Having to copy intent around this way will make for a vastly complex permissions understanding by the user and extremely difficult to manage at any kind of scale. It's the way Windows Server 2000 worked, and it did not work well or scale, and given the complexity of copying permissions down hierarchy, it would inevitably have errors that would tend to destroy access.

This proposal basically makes the data side radcally less complex, 1 acl will be sufficient to capture user intent instead of a growing number of acls in a container hierarchy. From the implementation side, implementations already have to do the agent check - this is moving the agent check into acl discovery. And its very easy to cache container acls going up hierarchy for any system for performance. For the group discovery, this is the same issue with current scheme as if a group is involved, it would need to be resolved.

For the example

/foo has public R access for everything below
/foo/bar has public A access for everything below, and R for Family
/foo/bar/baz has public W access for everything below, and R for Friends

I think users need to be very careful about giving public default access to resources, and once done, act accordingly. We flag public access containers and resources with red to make it obvious to users when its public. For this example, I'm not sure why the user would be mixing friends and family permissions in a public resource area, but they could easily add a public acl that is default with no read write control or append modes to shut down public access in those cases they wanted something private in a public default area.

The main idea here being that the user only adds acl's at permission intent locations. So that if a user gives default access to a whole hierarchy of resources, and somewhere down hierarchy decides that in that location they want to change the permission, they can add an acl there as their intent has changed while leaving all else in place. And because the user distinctly controls permissions at these specific intent locations, they can just as easily change them at those same intent locations. Otherwise, it becomes impossible to track and remember intent when many acls are copied around.