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[Content]: Store docs page #774

Open SpencerWhitehead7 opened 4 weeks ago

SpencerWhitehead7 commented 4 weeks ago

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There are opportunities to improve phrasing, clarity, organization of information, as well as correct a couple simple factual errors on the store docs page.

For a comprehensive, "code complete" accounting of possible changes, see

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SpencerWhitehead7 commented 3 weeks ago

As a couple representative examples of the kind of change I think could be helpful,

Copy changes like the one for this info box:

Separating the read and write capabilities of a store provides a valuable debugging advantage.

This separation facilitates the tracking and control of the components that are accessing or changing the values.


Having separate read and write capabilities is a valuable code organization and debugging advantage.
// the language is more direct "separating... provides" to "having separate... is"

It lets you give components the store to read without implicitly and automatically letting them modify it.
// the original makes readers figure out why read/write separation "facilitates the tracking and control" (and what exactly does tracking or control mean in this context?)
// the altered explains WHY it's an advantage; because you can give components the ability to just read or just write without automatically granting both to every component that needs either

Organization changes like the different ways of updating a store with path syntax, going from:


The new organization gives you a top level overview of modifying values and the basics of how path syntax works, as well as how to provide new values for the setter. Then it goes into each of the different specific path syntaxes you can use, from least to most complicated.

The original does not explicitly explain how to provide a new static value, and leaves the reader to piece it together from the examples. It's pretty straightforward, so it's not a big deal, but it could be a bit clearer. The original does explicitly explain how to provide a new value dynamically, but organizationally, that's been nested under "Modifying arrays," even though it's works no matter what path syntax you use to reach the target (object or array). Both ways of providing a new value should be explicit and they should have their own section.

"Appending new values" is actually an explanation of how to modify values by index; appending is just a special case of that general syntax.

I don't think the new organization is necessarily indisputable or perfect (you could probably fold the "Updating by Index" sections together and just provide two examples, one for individual and one for multiple, and "Updating multiple elements with an index range" should probably just be "Updating elements by index range", since the multiple is understood from "elements" instead of "element" and it's shorter).

Factual fixes, like: With path syntax, you can target a subset of elements to update or modify by specifying a range of indices. You can do this using an array of values: Providing an array of indexes selects the items at those indexes, not the range between the indexes provided in the array. The wording's a little ambiguous; it's technically correct if you read "range" to just mean "multiple" instead of the more commonsense meaning, but either way it's made unambiguous in the updated version.

or: If your store is array, you can specify a range of indices using an object with from and to keys. this just isn't true. The range syntax will work on nested array fields of stores too, the store itself doesn't have to be an array.

I could write out an equally or more detailed justification for every altered line in the PR, but I hope this'll serve as a representative example of the kind of thing I meant by opportunities to improve phrasing/organization/factual fixes.

LadyBluenotes commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Spencer and thanks for filing this issue.

I'm struggling to understand what about the Stores docs requires the rewrite you had proposed. While I don't disagree that there are some parts that could be better addressed, you have mentioned that the phrasing, clarity, and organization need to be improved but I'm not sure where you're referring to and your PR is touching almost every aspect of the page which makes it difficult to follow.

With that being said, I appreciate the PR you sent in and I understand it must have taken a lot of time and effort to do it. However, like I mentioned, linking it here doesn't quite help me understand what changes you're looking for. In addition, the examples you have brought up above appear to be more related to how a specific sentence was structured versus the content itself.

With that being said, this time I did go to your PR and I have some comments / questions:

As for the rest of it, there are a few ways we can address this page but I mainly think that breaking it up would be more helpful. For one, since we agree that a section to explicitly address how to add new values to a store could be useful, we could take that out of this issue and put it in its own. That way a PR can be worked on sooner vs waiting for us to hammer out the rest of the details.

Additionally, for any errors you had found, it would be great to have those addressed in a dedicated issue of their own so we don't loop them into this and they don't end up getting held up.

Following that, I think it might be worthwhile to break up what you're looking for into more bite-sized chunks, whether through issues or just better calling things out within this one. (It makes it a lot easier for me to follow what you are looking for).

As an example of what could be more helpful is something like the following (this is just an example, by the way, please explain why you feel like the rework is necessary so I can comment on things a bit more directly):

I feel like using words like can (like the first sentence under Accessing store values ) introduces unnecessary mental overhead for users (ie. are there other ways you can do it outside of direct references?).


The paragraph under the first example of Accessing store values is adding context to something that I don't feel like is needed.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding what I've said. That being said, I look forward to working together to get this page into a better spot :)

SpencerWhitehead7 commented 2 weeks ago

I had a much longer reply before but I think a tldr would be more helpful.

Like you say, most of the changes are just rewordings and copyediting, the same good material expressed differently. Those are the changes I'm looking for. It's difficult to express them as an issue because it's just a million individually tiny copyediting things. They clarify the language used to make the page more beginner friendly/comprehensible without sacrificing the knowledge and depth of the current version. Opening an issue that I didn't find the page very understandable when I read it as a first time store user is just a demand that you do a bunch of dull, time consuming, relatively low value copyediting and revision work, but actually doing the work myself is (I hope) helpful and requires a relatively small lift to use.

For changes to the page organization, rather than page copy, the only part I had trouble with was the Modifying store values section, and that's the only section where things have actually been added/removed/reordered. As described in the previous comment, it adds a section on how to provide a new value and reorders the other sections from least to most complicated so that they build on each other. Changes to the text of the section titles:

I don't think writing a justification for why each editing-type change is desirable would be a productive use of time. Describing a prose change with... more prose doesn't seem helpful since the versions can already be directly compared and it takes 10x longer to produce a thorough, well written explanation than it does to do the edit. If you review it and there's information I dropped, misinformation I added, or confusing/misleading language changes I'll be happy to fix it together.

As a way to make it more reviewable, how about I work on breaking the PR into multiple commits that scope down the changes and make it easier to see what each one does?