Open RsMan-Dev opened 7 months ago
@RsMan-Dev which one is the root component?
if it's the customRender
, Solid Refresh doesn't cover it.
i am using the builtin render, the root component is Component @lxsmnsyc
@RsMan-Dev then it should work for the components in the your glob. unless it doesn't follow the requirements
what are the requirement to follow to have them working? @lxsmnsyc
can you help me @lxsmnsyc ?
Basically, glob is doing this:
globalThis.allComponents = import.meta.glob('/javascripts/components/**/*.{jsx,tsx,js,ts}', {eager: true});
// code produced by vite
import * as __glob__0_0 from './components/Home.tsx'
globalThis.allComponents = {
'./components/Home.tsx': __glob__0_0,
When i am rendering Home, it's simply rendering it like:
const Component = allComponents['./components/Home.tsx'].default
//native solidjs's render
render(() => <Component/>, root)
So, i'm basically using native solidjs functions, what is missing to have hot reload working on this code?
All of the code you showed are not covered by Solid Refresh.
Show me your Home component and I can give a definite answer.
it's hello, not home on my code:
import { createSignal } from "solid-js";
export default function Hello() {
const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>count: {count()}</button>
when this code is used inside another component, it's hot reloaded like expected.
Then that should work. There's nothing to handle in your root file.
another simple reproduction form me:
import { createSignal } from "solid-js";
import Sub from "./Sub";
export default function Hello() {
const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>count: {count()}</button>
import { createSignal } from "solid-js";
export default function Sub() {
const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>count: {count()}</button>
import Hello from "./components/Hello";
render(Hello, this)
Here, only Sub is hot reloaded, not Hello, the root component.
So what behavior does Hello show when making changes?
nothing changind
vite is trying to hot reload, i receive something on network, but nothing happen in frontend. idk if it's changing anything, but render is called inside a custom element, on it's "connectedCallback" function.
that's why i'm using "this" as root element
i succeeded to make hot reloading working using this workaround:
interface RootProps { Component: any; props: Record<string, any>;}
export default function Root({Component, props}: RootProps) {
return <>
<Component {...props}/>
//normal component
render(() => <Root Component={component} props={props}/>, this)
here, home is hot reloaded as expected, because not the root component, waiting for your potential fix, i will work using this method.
I don't really understand the issue.
Can you perhaps just provide a repro?
When the component is directly rendered using render(), it becomes impossible to hot reload, but when the component is rendered by another component, it becomes hot reloadable
I have this setup:
this way, when i edit any child component, hot reload works as expected, but when i make any change to the root component, i have no hot reload.