solidjs / solid-router

A universal router for Solid inspired by Ember and React Router
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Wrapping Router aware components in test #366

Closed uhon closed 5 months ago

uhon commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

Solidjs components can not be tested when they rely on Router.

Wrapping a Component with any kind of <Router> from solidjs-router, does not work during test.

This example Fails with the following Error: Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />:

render(() => <Counter />, {
      wrapper: (props) => (

This works without erros, but the resulting baseElement is empty (nothing is rendered):

render(() => <Counter />, {
      wrapper: (props) => (
          root={(props) => (

I also tested MemoryRouter and StaticRouter but neither of them worked. Test suite can be found below.

Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

Reproducible here:

Expected behavior

At least one version of the now failing tests should work


ryansolid commented 5 months ago

The children of <Router> can only be <Route> components.. Children of <Route> components can only be <Route> components. So most of the examples aren't right.

const { queryByRole } = render(() => <Counter />, {
      wrapper: (props) => {
        return (
            root={(props) => (
            <Route path="/" component={() => <>{props.children}</>} />

I believe is the closest to being correct. I'm gathering props.children is a getter that executes the component so it should be inside a page component.

You could also do this I suppose:

const { queryByRole } = render(() => <Counter />, {
      wrapper: (props) => {
        return (
            <Route path="/" component={() => <RouteAwareWrapper>{props.children}</RouteAwareWrapper>} />