solidjs / solid-start

SolidStart, the Solid app framework
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[Umbrella] Starter Features #17

Closed kaushalyap closed 2 years ago

kaushalyap commented 2 years ago

Given below are things I would expect from a solid starter

ryansolid commented 2 years ago

Cool I think we have most of those already thanks to the preload scripts we do and Vite's CSS handling. Routes are automatically code split etc.

I think the Static adapter needs some work since I've never used a product that does this so I don't know the gaps and still doing improvements to SSR but I don't expect the APIs to be breaking, just augmenting some of the behavior around streaming.

Most of the work beyond stabilizing the build and config is around parallelized data fetching, caching, etc. API service offerings etc.

Edit: you probably mean navigation preloading not initial page assets preloading. We are working on that too but it isn't done yet.

ryansolid commented 2 years ago

Actually if you or anyone has ideas for the static adapter that would be great. I have no idea how these other solutions work here and it would save me a lot of footwork if someone familiar could help layout the requirements for that part specifically.

TheFedaikin commented 2 years ago

Just my two cents here on the static adapter. This is an adapter I am looking forward to the most, but unfortunately wasn't able to help or even play with it as of now, so hopefully I can help with a pain-points other SSGs have. All of this is personal/team experience after working with this kind of frameworks for the last 3 years.

FIrst of all, I've used Vuepress, Nuxt, Gatsby, Gridsome and Next as SSGs and I would say React based ones are the most feature-rich and kind of leading the way on most of this stuff, probably due to React share of the FE market, so I'll probably focus on these first and give you thoughts from my experience on working with them. But before that I'd like to note that I will not touch routing since Solid's official routing solution looks really good and is very flexible to build our own higher-order SSG or whatever it is you want. So this stuff is covered already, and as you mentioned before, Vite actually does a whole bunch of things out of the box, so I'll omit them from here too. I also think that Vite allow you to edit your index.html file easily, and in some of these frameworks this stuff was painfully abstracted away (like in Next) and sometimes you have to go against tutorials to get the desired outcome, if you are working with external scripts.


Good stuff

Sad stuff


Good stuff

Sad stuff


Good stuff

Sad stuff

It's pretty much all that I have on top of my head, hopefully it'll help!

kaushalyap commented 2 years ago

@TheFedaikin Thanks for sharing your experience!

I think there's a discussion to be had about an ability to separate the data-layer from the presentation.

This is probably opinionated, Is not it nice to have data and presentation in the same file. IMHO it is easier to reason.

You have to props drill/use some sort of mechanism to share this data or copy-paste your queries

Cannot you use React Context in such scenario? if it is static page copying a query is still fine than introducing unnecessary abstractions.

Window tackling - feels SUPER hacky here, no real mechanism to avoid build failures except for stubbing window/adding insane amounts of checks. Very sad stuff.

Assuming you are saying about browser window object, there is something in docs you might have seen, but there is not much if checks. Alternatively you can use environmental variables

Per-page Layouts - api a little ehh, but in general much cleaner than in Gatsby, for example.

I do not see any difference in Gatsby and Next in this regard both seems to be wrapping page content with a other component.

I may be bias towards Gatsby since I only have experience with it.

What about Gridsome experience? Have not tried anything in Vue at all.

TheFedaikin commented 2 years ago

Cannot you use React Context in such scenario? if it is static page copying a query is still fine than introducing unnecessary abstractions.

React Context is fine, but if you use it with just regular React useState you have to be VERY mindful with what you put into it, or you can end-up re-rendering whole page (or you can be doing memoization everywhere to avoid that, I guess), and if that was the case I was just copying the query

Assuming you are saying about browser window object, there is something in docs you might have seen, but there is not much if checks. Alternatively you can use environmental variables

I really hate require and this is really ugly. Ofc I've seen it and used it, but I remember having like 50+ checks for it across the project and wondering if there's a better way.

I do not see any difference in Gatsby and Next in this regard both seems to be wrapping page content with a other component.

I think it's actually the same, it maybe was different in Gatsby V1, but I might've also mixed them in my head, you are right here.

What about Gridsome experience? Have not tried anything in Vue at all.

Nothing worth noting that I didn't mention in other frameworks, overall it's poor man's Gatsby on top Vue. Even though I really prefer Vue to React I used it in one project and later migrated it to Nuxt, so not that much experience here.

Again, I think most of these pain-points would not be present in Solid at all, but some of them maybe will spawn discussion, so posting my grievances here for posterity.

Thanks for the response!

nksaraf commented 2 years ago

Created individual issues for some tasks that require documentation mainly #154, #155 since they are supported by vite out of the box. Created a separate issue for tracking the preloading on navigation since that's an important issue #153. And another one for tracking the progress on start-static. It difficult to track everything in this one issue. #156