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Duplicate edges in signal graph #46

Closed localvoid closed 5 years ago

localvoid commented 5 years ago

If I understand correctly, when signal value is accessed, it doesn't perform a check when the edge already exists:

  1. Accessing current() value:
  2. Creating an edge:

Without such checks, use cases that involve sorting/filtering in data tables will create insanely huge graphs.

For example, simple sort() on 5000 items will create ~110000 edges:

let i = 0;

class Item {
  _a = Math.random();

  get a() {
    return this._a;

const items = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
  items.push(new Item());

items.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a);
ryansolid commented 5 years ago

Yes, you are correct. Although classically, this isn't particularly an issue since the necessity of using a getter/accessor and explicit setters to create dependencies and trigger updates, means native built-in methods don't work anyway. MobX and the S.js have specialized array objects with their own versions of methods so it typically isn't a problem since these specialized methods account for this. That being said especially with Solid's state proxies a user can use native methods, and since they work, not realize that they are not optimal. So having more protection here is definitely a consideration.

I will likely be introducing a series of function operators to perform some simple operations like map, filter, sort, etc. It's the same motivation I had for having a Control Flow DSL to abstract the details of the complexity of handling the reactivity. I'm in the process of changing Control Flow into normal components, which means I have to build the basis for this new set of function operators. While nothing as extensive as RxJS, it is a similar sort of thing.

The reactive system here is basically Adam Haile's S.js very minimally modified to add a Context API. I think I might probe him further on the decision in terms of tradeoffs.

localvoid commented 5 years ago

MobX and the S.js have specialized array objects with their own versions of methods so it typically isn't a problem since these specialized methods account for this

S.js is also "broken" (it works, but creates a lot of unnecessary edges), specialized array methods won't solve the problem:

And MobX is using Set()s to store edges.

ryansolid commented 5 years ago

It doesn't solve it in terms of people accidentally doing something inefficiently. More that libraries like S.js and MobX offer methods like untracked and sample which allows being able to work in a non-tracked context inside a tracked space. In so these specialized collection methods I was referring to tend to create the least amount of dependencies and do the heavy lifting in an untracked context. For example The mapSample function only creates a single dependency on the root array and not each row even though it iterates through them. Obviously, there are some situations that are hard to attack generically but you tend to approach observable helpers this way. I could speculate this made this check less necessary, but I think @adamhaile is the only one that has the answer here.

localvoid commented 5 years ago

But you need to create a graph with all dependencies, otherwise what is the point of using this library when it won't be able to propagate changes. It is not about arrays at all, it should build a graph by observing all values that involved in a data transformation algo(in a sorting example I've observed a property in all items). MobX and Vue doesn't have this issues.

leeoniya commented 5 years ago

maybe of interest:

localvoid commented 5 years ago

@leeoniya It is using linear search to check for duplicates :man_facepalming:

leeoniya commented 5 years ago

if this._dependencies holds just direct dependencies, then i imagine there wouldn't be much difference between Array#indexOf and Set#has in real-world reactive graphs, though i'm sure you can make synthetic graphs of hundreds of deps per cell that showcase the difference. i suppose you're implying that the benchmarks shown are non-representative or chosen specifically to win?

localvoid commented 5 years ago

@leeoniya I don't understand what type of use cases this benchmark tries to test, haven't seen any real use cases like this. What I see really often is taking a list of N items, perform some filtering and display ~10 items.

luwes commented 5 years ago

@localvoid wouldn't the example below solve the issue you explain?

let i = 0;

class Item {
  _a = Math.random();

  get a() {
    return this._a;

const items = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
  items.push(new Item());

sample(() => items.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a));

sample turns off any registering of dependencies which would turn those accessors in simple getters.

localvoid commented 5 years ago

@luwes And why should I use this library if it won't be able to propagate changes through computeds?

luwes commented 5 years ago

right I imagined the .a property would be used in another place which could create the dependency.

I created a codesandbox here

would that be a solution? to use a safePush in this case that checks if there is an edge/observable for that computed. it brought the observables length down at least

localvoid commented 5 years ago

@luwes yes, it solves the issue, but in this example you are using linear search to check for duplicates, so this computed function will have quadratic complexity. Vue and MobX are using Set()s to check for duplicates [1][2].


EDIT: actually, your example solves it partially, you'll get a lot of unnecessary directed edges from observables to computed data._listeners.push(currentUpdate);

ryansolid commented 5 years ago

The easiest way to do the sort is use _.sortBy type approach, where you iterate the list once in the open running a ranking function, and then take the indexed results, and sort and remap them in an untracked context. This was the approach commonly used in Backbone Collections.

That being said just because specific scenarios solvable doesn't mean it's intuitive or should be that way. I am interested in seeing if we can do better here; what the tradeoffs are. I think this is a valid concern. S.js was mostly optimized over 2017 time period when Set performance wasn't what it is today. It would be interesting to see how much of a hit it would take and what the tradeoffs are. I just haven't had a chance to do so, as I've been for the past 3 weeks generalizing the underlying reconciler which was a fairly big rewrite for all my libraries. I'm still hunting down performance regressions. When I get a chance I will take a look. Honestly, it's been over a year since I really got deep into the reactive system. I wrote my own and then dropped it, adopting S.js because I was spinning my wheels too much on batching/synchronicity and I wanted to focus elsewhere (generalizing rendering for all fine-grained libraries).

adamhaile commented 5 years ago

I don't usually find it productive to respond to Boris, but for Ryan's benefit and anyone else interested, I benchmarked this design decision pretty thoroughly back when I made it. De-duping edges during creation requires a hashtable or Set, and at the speeds we want, those are both slow. Or at least they were when I was doing the benchmarking. At the time, a basic read ran about 300% slower. The relevant metric isn't number of edges but number of reads. It was considerably faster overall to create a duplicate edge than to detect whether it was a duplicate. That was still true even if I accounted both for the time to traverse the extra edges during update and for the extra GC time of creating/freeing the larger arrays of dependencies.

In fact, this, plus the fact that the S data structures were designed not to need try/finally statements in the update loop, were where S got most of its speed over other reactive libraries.

@leeoniya it was a while ago that I looked at cellx. At the time, the try/finally statements in its core loops gave S a considerable advantage. That was before turbofan made try/finally optimizable, though, so the picture may have changed since then.

localvoid commented 5 years ago

If someone doesn't understand how bad it is, here are conservative estimates how much memory it would consume each time observable property is modified:

110000*(4*2 + 8*2)/1024 = 2578.125 KB

In this estimates I didn't take into account that arrays grow dynamically (probably with a factor 1.5 or 2), so it should consume even more memory. And if someone wants to benchmark it correctly, array presizing should be taken into account[1], because in a real application allocation sites for this arrays will produce arrays with different sizes.

  1. Memento Mori: Dynamic Allocation-site-based Optimizations
adamhaile commented 5 years ago

And yet, it was faster.

Tell me again why we should make our libs slower. Tell me again why we should optimize for troll's hypothetical worst cases rather than profiling actual apps.

How would ivi know the sort was stale? Oh that's right, it doesn't. Punts the whole issue back to the user. Total fail.

nerd fight

localvoid commented 5 years ago

@adamhaile it seems that you are still more interested in microbenchmarks rather than finding solutions to problems. Recently I've tried to solve a use case that is way much easier to solve with fine-grained observables and autotracking (MobX). I understand all tradeoffs and I am willing to sacrifice some performance but significantly improve DX by using MobX, then I just checked how solid/S.js handles the same use cases and then I've reported this issue. Don't understand what ivi has to do with all of this.

adamhaile commented 5 years ago

Assuming good intent ...

The method @ryansolid was alluding to looks something like the following. It's not a sort() per se but really a sortBy(), which is generally easier to use than sort() anyway. The contract is that reading of signals is done in the by function, and the cmp function works only on values. That way, we create only O(N) dependencies while maintaining full reactivity. (If a cmp function is supplied that reads signals, those won't be reactive, but that's breaking the contract.)

[Warning, untested or even parsed code below.]

function sortyBy<T, V>(array : () => T[], by : (a : T) => V, cmp? : (a : V, b : V) => number) {
    return S(() => {
        const _array = array(),
            len = _array.length,
            indices = new Array(len) as number[],
            vals = new Array(len) as V[];

        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            indices[i] = i;
            // extract values to base sort upon, thereby avoiding creating 
            // O(N log(N)) dependencies during call to sort()
            vals[i] = by(_array[i]);

        const _cmp = cmp 
            ? (i : number, j : number) => cmp(vals[i], vals[j]) 
            : (i : number, j : number) => (vals[i] < vals[j] ? -1 : vals[i] > vals[j] ? 1 : 0);

        // run sort() inside sample
        S.sample(() => indices.sort(_cmp));

        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            vals[i] = _array[indices[i]];

        return vals;
localvoid commented 5 years ago

Yes, this solution solves sorting problem and I understand how to create such workarounds because I know how everything works underneath, but I won't expect from an average developer to understand inner workings of something like MobX/Vue/S.js. The problem is that it doesn't provide a general purpose solution. For example, use case that highlights entries that match a list of rules is easy to solve in MobX/Vue/S.js with a naive algorithm that has N*M complexity (N - entries, M - rules) and it won't be so easy to create a workaround that deals with duplicated edges in such use case (it is possible, but then I just don't see a point in using fine-grained+autotracking and I'll just solve it much more efficiently with indexes).

ryansolid commented 5 years ago

Yes, I sometimes feel that was the greatest shorting coming of these libraries historically. The need for specialized solutions to optimize more complicated scenarios. This was true when I used Knockout 9 years ago and hasn't really changed. It was always possible to do something inefficiently if you are not careful.

Detecting duplicate edges seem possible, and I honestly am unclear at this point what the impact is. But if @adamhaile says that in comparing the options, that was the more performant then maybe it's the cost of doing business. To me, the need for specialized helper methods isn't much different than the desire to normalize immutable data on identifiers. You could not do so and store arrays but it might not scale.

So I don't know what to tell you. This doesn't automagically solve all problems and at certain points, it's better to not attack certain problems fine-grained and use diffing. You know that our list reconciliation is based on the algorithm you use in ivi. In theory, if we are mutating state we know exactly what has changed since it is localized compared to a big immutable tree so we should be able to avoid diffing at all, but since we can not guarantee people do that the generalized reconciler still diffs. Since the DOM is the bottleneck doesn't seem to matter anyway even if it is less efficient.

The thing that attracts people to fine-grained is all the same things that attract people to React Hooks. Declarative data blocks, composability, extendable primitives. Except, there is an absence of Hook Rules or inconsistent abstraction (you are declaring your data requirements and view, but the code actually re-executes every re-render).

localvoid commented 5 years ago

This was true when I used Knockout 9 years ago and hasn't really changed.

With MobX I can use basic sort() and it will allocate ~40KB when I trigger an update (sorting 5000 entries), and it will perform efficiently enough so that I don't care if it is possible to implement it more efficiently, I'd prefer a straightforward solution that is easy to maintain.

adamhaile commented 5 years ago

Yes, I sometimes feel that was the greatest shorting coming of these libraries historically. The need for specialized solutions to optimize more complicated scenarios. This was true when I used Knockout 9 years ago and hasn't really changed. It was always possible to do something inefficiently if you are not careful.

I experienced the same with Knockout, but it was in a scenario for which S (and most of the modern libs) do have a general solution. Aka something "has really changed" here :). Knockout did naive depth-first updates, and it also didn't have any facility (at the time, maybe it has gained it?) for batching observable changes. There are common use cases where that leads to O(N^2) or even O(N!) computation updates for N data updates. S and others solve that by being transactional and glitchless -- change rounds can have multiple data updates, and each affected computation runs only once per change round. That solved a ton of perf issues in real world apps we converted to S.

Detecting duplicate edges seem possible, and I honestly am unclear at this point what the impact is.

It'd be interesting to see if Set has improved in performance enough to be used. It would clean up some of the internals too.

Just to be clear, it's (IMHO) a misunderstanding to say that S is supra-linear here. From the lib's perspective, the relevant 'N' is the number of signal reads, not the number of items in an upstream array. S scales linearly in both time and memory for that. Deduping edges is only a gain in scenarios (like sort()) where the number of duplicates grows with some upstream data size. In that scenario, it allows for scaling linearly in time but sub-linearly in space, but at the cost of a constant factor slowdown on time for all scenarios. S's current algo accepts linear space requirements for those scenarios in exchange for a the lower constant factor on time overall.

If Set has improved to the point that the constant factor is low enough, the tradeoff might go the other way, allowing sub-linear space requirements. It'd have to be a pretty low factor, though. We should always optimize for real world apps, that's IMNSHO :), and the number of real use cases where the ratio of duped edges is non-constant, aka this would be an actual improvement, is small.

Did I ever show you some of the stuff we use internally about computable indices? I've never released anything, because the API isn't necessarily clean. It's a useful tool for some remaining O(N^2) cases, at the cost of breaking synchronicity -- the stuff about perf and subclocks on the S homepage is inspired by that scenario.

So I don't know what to tell you.

That's where conversations with @localvoid always wind up. He's a tech sea lion. The objections aren't about what they claim to be. Objections will continue until ivi is at the top of js-framework-benchmark again.

ryansolid commented 5 years ago

@adamhaile I meant no offence. I recognize that S.js has progressed things significantly. The approach to batching and synchronization. Actually the approach to garbage collection as well. But for the sake of argument that argument could still be made. I was just trying to come at it from a holistic manner to be agreeable with @localvoid in hope of finding some sort of common ground. I tend to agree in most real-world sort of scenario this is not a thing. Or it's one of those you need to use blank and you move on. If my tone sounds uncertain it is that I'm trying to keep an open mind in discussing a potential critique.

That being said this thread probably ran its course a while ago and where we've arrived at now further emphasizes that. I do want to keep it open until a time comes when another investigation can be done. But I don't think it's terribly urgent.

And yes you did share that index approach I believe. And I'm glad you are reposting this information for others who read this thread. I believe this is the post: Thank you again for shedding some light on this. And I look forward to whenever you have time to do more work in the area. As you have noted I've diverted a little off the path to support some features that I wanted, but I still love what you've done with S.js. And even if Solid has strayed a little bit, it's still the first Reactive library I point people to and I use it in all examples and tests for the DOM Expressions rendering library.

adamhaile commented 5 years ago

Oh hey, @ryansolid no offense at all! Sorry if that part came through that way. I'm glad to talk about the tradeoffs here (so long as the audience is well-intentioned ;)).

adamhaile commented 5 years ago

So this is cool -- I was thinking about this, and realized there's a simple test I can do which will eliminate virtually all the duplicate edges.

Since new edges are added to the end of the nodes and sources lists, I just have to check if the last edge recorded from a source is the same as the one we're adding. If so, bail out, as there's no need to add it. That just takes an array read and an equality check, much faster than a hashtable lookup. I'm going to explore it with some benchmarks.

The only cases where it wouldn't be perfect are ones where we pause the update of one computation to run another AND if both read the same source AND if the original reads that source both before and after the pause. The second computation would have gone onto the end of the source's nodes array, and so when we returned to the original and ran the test for its second read, we wouldn't see the earlier edge and would create a duplicate.

We only pause an update in two scenarios: either we encounter a read of a stale computation during an update, or a computation creates a child computation. It takes some fairly specific (aka rare) graph shapes and update patterns to make those two achieve all the conditions to make a duplicate.

I'm betting this will render duplicated edges virtually non-existent. It would be perfect for Boris's sort() example.

I don't think I've seen any other libs use this optimization. Might be novel ... probably not, someone probably did it in the 80s, but maybe :).

It's also more memory efficient. Using Set to track edges takes 32 bytes / edge (not the 8 Boris thought): 8 * 3 bytes for the Set entry [1] plus 8 bytes in the computation's list of sources. This only takes 24 bytes / edge (Boris got that math right).

Cool, this seems like a neat solution. Let me see how the code looks. -- Adam

1 - - 1 word pointer to object, 1 word pointer to next entry in chain, 1 word pointer to head of bucket.

PS - Ryan, feel free to close this thread whenever you feel like it.

localvoid commented 5 years ago

not the 8 Boris thought

MobX is using edge reconciliation algo, it doesn't create new Sets each time computed is changed. It will create an array, add all non-duplicated(simple check of the last accessed listener id, so in some weird scenario this array could have duplicates) dependencies, then it will start diffing and will add/remove dependencies (at this point it won't have any duplicates).

adamhaile commented 5 years ago

not the 8 Boris thought

MobX is using edge reconciliation algo, it doesn't create new Sets each time computed is changed. It will create an array, add all non-duplicated(simple check of the last accessed listener id, so in some weird scenario this array could have duplicates) dependencies, then it will start diffing and will add/remove dependencies (at this point it won't have any duplicates).

The Set entry I was referring to is the one on the observable side of the edge:

The runId === lastAccessedBy check MobX does is a variant of what I described above, at the cost of an extra 4-8 bytes / object to store the runId and lastAccessedBy fields. Not sure what that gains them over checking object equality?

localvoid commented 5 years ago

The Set entry I was referring to is the one on the observable side of the edge

I've said "it will allocate ~40KB when I trigger an update", after diffing it won't add a new entry. I've never talked in this thread about overall memory overhead of observables, and that is the main reason why I've started looking at alternative solutions, because MobX is allocating dynamic strings per each observable and doing a lot of other weird stuff that I don't understand (but maybe there is a reason, they have significantly more experience in this field than me).

Not sure what that gains them over checking object equality?

Don't know, maybe they've tried to prevent memory leaks, but they could just assign lastAccessedBy to null when they remove edges.

luwes commented 5 years ago

thanks @adamhaile and @localvoid updated the example with last array item check, seems to work nicely

localvoid commented 5 years ago

@luwes I think that it is possible to get rid of all duplicates from observables to computeds at the cost of one additional property on observables, also it can improve reset performance (in most cases it won't be necessary to remove edges from observables to computed).

  1. When computed is executed, create a new execution id nextId++ and store it in the execution context(on stack) of this computed.
  2. When observable is accessed - push a new entry to the array of dependencies (computed -> observable) and assign computed execution id to observable lastAccessedBy to perform a simple check for duplicates.
  3. When computed is finished executing, iterate over all dependencies and refresh all lastAccesedBy to prevent edge cases when nested computeds could overwrite it.
  4. Iterate over old dependencies and remove observable->computed dependencies that have lastAccessedBy !== computed execution id. When observable is removed, assign lastAccesedBy to -1, if it still should remain in the list, assign -2.
  5. Iterate again over new dependencies and add observable->computed edges that doesn't have -2 in lastAccessedBy.

Just an idea, maybe I've missed something, maybe it isn't worth it :)

EDIT: Also, it is possible to detect when there aren't any nested computeds by checking that nextId isn't greater than current execution id + 1. And when there aren't any nesteds, we can skip step3.


luwes commented 5 years ago

Thanks @localvoid, I'll check this out soon!

ryansolid commented 5 years ago

Thanks, everyone for this discussion. It actually ended up productive in the end. Did simple last edge detection here. And will look at more sophisticated methods in the future.