solidshadow1126-zz / VTOLVRPhysicalInput

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Not Creating VTOLVR_HOTAS_Physical_Input Folder #7

Open MercuryGlider opened 2 years ago

MercuryGlider commented 2 years ago

I am attempting to follow the pdf guide but for some reason Vtol VR doesn't want to make the VTOLVR_HOTAS_Physical_Input folder, I've tried launching it as admin and such with no luck.

MercuryGlider commented 2 years ago

If anyone can help me figure out how to upload the log onto this site that would be appreciated, I have never used github before.

MarcDuQuesne commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem here. The folder is not being created; I also cannot 'click' on the load button in game, or at least nothing happens.

evilC commented 6 months ago

@MercuryGlider @MarcDuQuesne Hi, original author of the mod here. I just managed to get this mod working in VTOLVR 1.8.5m1 / ModManager 5.4.0 I too did not see a VTOLVR_HOTAS_Physical_Input folder ever get created.

Treat VTOLVR_HOTAS_Physical_Input as VTOLVR_Physical_Input wrt the instructions.
ie you need to rename ...\steamapps\common\VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\mods\VTOLVR_Physical_Input to ...\steamapps\common\VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\mods\VTOLVRPhysicalInput

Furthermore, the Unblocker.ps1 file may need to be changed, depending on where your install is - ie line 22 of unblocker.ps1 ($Path = ":\Steam\steamapps\common\VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\mods\VTOLVRPhysicalInput") may need to change - if your game is not in a folder called Games (ie not in C:\Steam\... or D:\Steam\.. etc).

Ultimately, all that needs to happen is that the following command needs to be run as admin in PowerShell:

Get-ChildItem -Path '<YOUR PATH TO MOD HERE>' -Recurse | Unblock-File
eg Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Games\steamapps\common\VTOL VR\VTOLVR_ModLoader\mods\VTOLVRPhysicalInput' -Recurse | Unblock-File

This should ensure that VTOLVRPhysicalInput.dll in the main folder, and SharpDX.dll and SharpDX.DirectInput.dll in the Dependencies folder are unblocked.
Once that is done, copy the two SharpDX files from the Dependencies folder to the Managed folder, as per step 6

Once I had done that, I got the game to recognize my sticks. I don't know how usable the game is at this point with the mod, but I at least got some life out of it.

@solidshadow1126-zz Thanks for picking up the baton on my mod!