Closed 304NotModified closed 4 years ago
Let me investigate and I will get back to you.
tried also static
class, but that won't help either.
The big difference is here (I think), that we're using MSTest and not xUnit
I found the issue (I have checked out the repo)
If the dependency isn't found, you will get this nasty exception.
namespace SolidToken.SpecFlow.DependencyInjection.Tests
public static class TestDependencies
public static IServiceCollection CreateServices()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
//// Add test dependencies
//services.AddTransient<ITestService, TestService>();
//// ContextInjectionScope (by using AddScoped instead of AddTransient, the context will be scoped to the Feature across bindings)
//// NOTE: This line is essential so that Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection knows
//// about the SpecFlow bindings (something normally BoDi does automatically).
//// TODO: Find out if we can make this part of the Plugin
//foreach (var type in typeof(TestDependencies).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(BindingAttribute))))
// services.AddSingleton(type);
return services;
Will demo the issue
Is it possible that you have not registered any bindings (yet)?
For example, if you look at DependencyInjectionPluginSteps.cs you will notice the [Binding]
tag that will bind the code to the SpecFlow Feature file.
Currently the plugin requires you to register all the bindings/step definitions (otherwise the DI framework can't find them). So your initialisation code should look like:
var services = new ServiceCollection();
foreach (var type in typeof(TestDependencies).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(BindingAttribute))))
return services;
Although this is in the
, I don't think it is very intuitive and I want to solve it as part of issue #7 but haven't landed on a solution yet.
ow yes indeed. I missed that! That's the fix.
Would be great if we could make that optional.
@mbhoek check :)
This could be closed.
I added this to my specflow project:
And now I get for all tests:
any idea?
Update: same issue with 0.3.1 and 0.2.4. What am I missing?