If you remove the checkout confirmation step and a 3D secure is needed, the order will be completed with payment status "paid" without the 3D secure popup appearing, but in Stripe dashboard the payment will have the status "requires_action".
Solidus Version: 4.0.0
To Reproduce
Setup a new store with the starter front end and stripe
module MyApp
module Spree
module Order
module RemoveCheckoutStep
def self.prepended(base)
base.remove_checkout_step :confirm
::Spree::Order.prepend self
3. Create an order and pay using a stripe [test card](https://stripe.com/docs/testing?testing-method=card-numbers#regulatory-cards) that requires a 3DS Challenge.
**Current behavior**
The order will be completed with payment status "paid" even if the 3D secure challenge has never been presented.
**Expected behavior**
Ideally, a 3DS pop-up should appear when the users tries to advance from the payment step. Since removing the confirm step could be considered a significant modification of the default/supported checkout flow, it might be reasonable to expect developers to handle presenting the 3DS challenge themselves, but, displaying a payment as paid when this was never the case on stripe's side is probably a bug.
Screenshot of expected pop-up:
![Captura de tela 2023-08-11 141651](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus_stripe/assets/69528786/90d6f63d-4b18-43e1-ab61-508ff9fdc079)
**Additional context**
Currently, due to the acceptable transitions in the order state machine, removing the confirmation step will also raise an exception if a payment fails, as the order will attempt to transition from payment to payment_failed, which is not currently allowed.
If you remove the checkout confirmation step and a 3D secure is needed, the order will be completed with payment status "paid" without the 3D secure popup appearing, but in Stripe dashboard the payment will have the status "requires_action".
Solidus Version: 4.0.0
To Reproduce
module MyApp module Spree module Order module RemoveCheckoutStep def self.prepended(base) base.remove_checkout_step :confirm end
end end