solidusjs / solidus

A simple server that generates pages from JSON and Templates
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Resource credentials should be sourced from environment variables #75

Open pushred opened 10 years ago

pushred commented 10 years ago

73 and #74 allow the separation of credentials from resource endpoint URLs, a good next step in this direction would be to allow for the separation of credentials from the code by way of sourcing them from environment variables. This is an established best practice pattern well-reasoned in The Twelve-Factor App . It's also easy to setup with the recommended deployment targets (Modulus, Heroku, and Nodejitsu).

Aside from improving general security I think this adds a lot of value in other areas, allowing for any Solidus site to be made a public repo (for others to learn from) without compromising credentials in the process. It also allows for resource configurations to be templated.

Fauntleroy commented 10 years ago

This seems like it would be helpful in certain situations, but I'm a little bit worried about how to actually implement this. What would these environment variables be named? How would they be created by layman developers?

pushred commented 10 years ago

Responding to the comment left in #78:

With all this talk of ENV variables I'm starting to think we might want to develop a strategy for configuration. What goes into JSON vs ENV? Are there cases where something can be configured in both? What takes precedence?

It's not really JSON vs. ENV, but rather allowing values in a JSON config to be sourced from ENV. I see two possible implementations: interpolation or sourcing the ENV as an object and merging it with the JSON after it's parsed to provide it's "context" for the JSON. For example:

    "resources": {
        "doges": {
            "url": "",
            "headers": {
                "key": DOGE_KEY
            "auth": DOGE_AUTH

To me, this implementation seems most natural within Solidus. The templating route would need to introduce a different syntax, like %{THIS} as a worse case, or a simple $PREFIX. But I don't see the need for that complication. CONSTANT case is plenty distinction.

What would these environment variables be named? How would they be created by layman developers?

The developer should control the names. In either implementation referenced here there's no real connection to the keys in the config JSON and there really shouldn't need to be. There are many ways to specify them if you are simply sourcing the ENV. It's as simple as running export or set in the current terminal session or updating the shell's configuration file.

You could take a note from Foreman and define your own file as well, and include it in the template .gitignore. This dodges the potential for conflicts (That often necessitates namespacing the variables), providing a namespace that's just for the app, as would exist in the deployment environment (aside from any platform vars, which are almost always namespaced). I'd call this file ENVIRONMENT to be explicit and reinforce the CONSTANT case.

You could add some CLI commands to maintain that file, similar to the various PaaS CLI tools: Heroku, Modulus and Nodejitsu. Modulus even provides a GUI.

I'd argue that values for typically named header keys (containing "key", "password", etc) and the auth string be required to come from environment variables to guide developers into this practice. It's pretty sensible if communicated properly. A warning in the log at the very least would be a good idea.