solidusjs / solidus

A simple server that generates pages from JSON and Templates
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Provide current page routes in context #79

Open pushred opened 10 years ago

pushred commented 10 years ago

Sometimes it's necessary to specify the current URL in markup. Some examples include:

Providing this as a relative path would give the most flexibility around protocol. It could also be worth it to provide a path for every segment in the route (and each respective title, ideally), which enables easy breadcrumbs. In Orator this looks like:

    "url": {
        "full": "",
        "slug": "happy-holidays-from-bon-jovi",
        "segments": [
                "title": "Home",
                "url": ""
                "title": "News",
                "url": ""
                "title": "happy holidays from bon jovi",
                "url": ""

Not having this resorts to nasty workarounds.

monika commented 10 years ago

Having the site domain available in the page context would be very helpful for setting up absolute image paths for the various responsive image solutions I'm testing out. These services don't work with relative image paths, because I need to send an absolute path through their service.


<!doctype html>
  <title>ReSRC Preferred Approach</title>
  <style>.resrc {width: 100%}</style>
  <img data-src="" alt="An awesome dog" class="resrc"/>
  <script src="//"></script>
monika commented 10 years ago

I'm currently getting responsive images set up for Blood:Water Mission because of the large banner images on every page. What are the chances we can get this set up soon?

monika commented 10 years ago

The client is seeing significant load times on 3G networks with these large banner images. I can implement <picturefill> for the time being, but I'd like to be able to use one solution for all of the images on the site.

Fauntleroy commented 10 years ago

After talking to Monika it looks like we only really need the URL's origin. I figure I can just run url.parse on the current page's URL and save the complicated and messy segments stuff for some other day.

pushred commented 10 years ago

I'd agree that segments for breadcrumbs should be added separately. Will you include all the other properties url.parse provides? href would cover the other open graph/canonical tags use case I mentioned.

Fauntleroy commented 10 years ago

I think I might leave some out and add a few in, whatever makes sense for our application. Things like auth I can't even think of a use for here.

monika commented 10 years ago

Is this available for me to use with Blood:Water Mission? How do I upgrade my version of Solidus?

Fauntleroy commented 10 years ago

It is available as of version 0.1.4: You can upgrade your version of solidus by updating your package.json and running npm install:

"dependencies": {
    "solidus": "~0.1.4"
monika commented 10 years ago

The info in the URL object on the live site (for Blood:Water Mission at least) has info and not the URL of the site you're currently on.

screen shot 2014-02-27 at 3 08 26 pm

Fauntleroy commented 10 years ago

@pushred any idea why that might be happening? Maybe it has to do with the way the Modulus load balancers work?

pushred commented 10 years ago

Possibly, can you ask them? is a CNAME record to that hostname, per their documentation.

Fauntleroy commented 10 years ago

The theory I provided Modulus:

we have our domain pointing to edgecast, which points to modulus
so i assume edgecast requests from the modulus url, which gives us back that result
it is cached
and then served from the real url
so, I'm hoping there's some way that edgecast can send a fake host header
pushred commented 10 years ago

Looks like we can set a header, I just changed this in the Edgecast configuration but will take up to an hour to see if it works. :pray:

Docs say:

HTTP/1.1 requires a Host header to be sent with each request, to select among multiple virtual domains that may be hosted by a single physical server or load-balanced set of servers. This option determines the value of the Host header that the edge servers will send with each request to the origin server. Typically you will set this value either to one of the hostnames from the http/https hostnames lists, or else to the name of an edge cname that is using this origin.

pushred commented 10 years ago

Yayyy, great success. I'll update the other customer origins we have as well to have the appropriate headers, I was following a bad pattern from earlier instances.