soliton4 / nodeMirror

node.js + CodeMirror = powerful ide
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Please test in Windows - because i can not! #4

Open soliton4 opened 11 years ago

soliton4 commented 11 years ago

please test nodemirror on different windows installations. especially the terminal module.

i only have one windows machine to test on and its a crappy developer installation. i wonder if it runs everywhere as smooth as on my machine.

Anachron commented 10 years ago

I have installed this on my Win7 Ultimate x64 OS with Node 0.10.20 and got the following problems:

connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0 info - started

module.js:340 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'extend' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (...\node-mirror\lib\pty-win\lib\pty_win.js:8:14) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17)

D:\apps\pwp\node\node_modules>npm uninstall node-mirror unbuild node-mirror@0.1.4 npm ERR! Error: ENOTEMPTY, rmdir '...\node\node_modules\node-mirror' npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this log at: npm ERR! npm ERR! or email it to: npm ERR!

npm ERR! System Windows_NT 6.1.7601 npm ERR! command "D:\apps\pwp\node\node.exe" "...\node\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "uninstall" "node-mirror" npm ERR! cwd ...\node\node_modules npm ERR! node -v v0.10.20 npm ERR! npm -v 1.3.13 npm ERR! path ...\node\node_modules\node-mirror npm ERR! code ENOTEMPTY npm ERR! errno 53 npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! ...\node\node_modules\npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0

As for now, this library is not useable for me, which is sad because it looks great!

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron thx for the feedback

this is strange i just tested with node-mirror 0.1.3 on win 7 64 and it works only difference is i have node 0.10.21

seems like the crash happened while you opened a terminal. did the terminal work for you or did it crash the first time u used it?

it could also be a unknown sideeffect from not running node in the root directory of your node-mirror installation. could you try again in a dir where you can run node node_modules/node-mirror/bin/nodeMirror.js

the extend module is missing pls check if there is a dir called "extend" in the following location: lib/pty-win/node_modules

try doing a npm install extend parallel to node-mirror pls report if that fixed the problem

thx again

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron i just release 0.1.5 which adds extend as a top level dependency. try if this does the trick for you.

about less dont you have a test button when opening a less file? also when you save it it should save a .css file with the same name

Anachron commented 10 years ago

Okay, reinstalled the latest release & running it:

D:\apps\pwp>node node\node_modules\node-mirror\bin\nodeMirror.js Starting NodeMirror... Starting NodeMirror... connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0 visit for alternatives connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0 info - started

When I try to open a less file it freezes here:

opening /apps/mimosa-emberboots/assets/stylesheets/app.less ...

Also CoffeeScript files don't have highlighting. Is there something I don't take care of?

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron i suspect your less file is recognized as a different content-type. would you care to post the less file here? same may be true for the coffeescript file. i may have to put in some fallbacks but i need data to do so.

try creating a new .less file does that work?

also can you create a terminal now? the win version sometimes leaks open terminal processes after ending nodeMirror. this may be the reason why you can not delete the installation directory. check your task list.

your contribution is apprechiated

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron 0.1.6 released. .less and .coffee are now fixed to their content types. i still would like to know what was wrong with your less file

Anachron commented 10 years ago

@soliton4 sure, it doesn't work for any coffee-file in this project:

Same with LESS-files.

I still can't open terminals, however, doing so doesn't crash the application anymore.

Edit: Yes, coffee-files work now with 0.1.6! Thank you! The LESS-files still don't load and freeze at: "opening /apps/mimosa-emberboots/assets/stylesheets/app.less ..."

Edit2: Opening a terminal in the new version results in this critical error:

module.js:356 Module._extensions[extension](this, filename); ^ Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. D:\apps\pwp\node\node_modules\node-mirror\lib\pty-win\build\Release\pty.node at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (D:\apps\pwp\node\node_modules\node-mirror\lib\pty-win\lib\pty.js:10:11) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17)

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@peters can you imagine what goes wrong here?

@Anachron it was a less mode bug in codemirror. thx for finding it. now it should work

Anachron commented 10 years ago

@soliton4 Thanks, I can confirm that LESS-files work now. About the terminal thing, I guess because windows uses it's own module:

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron yeah the win module is quite new. terminals work fine in unix. i hope we will reach some stability on windows. are you sure you are using a 64 bit version of windows. pls look again and confirm. also try a complete new installation of node-mirror. i noticed some problems with the terminal module when doing a update.

are there any other content types missing for you?

best wishes

Anachron commented 10 years ago

@soliton4 Pretty sure because Rightclick on Computer -> System -> System Type: 64-Bit Operating System does not leave me any questions left :)

I will check out the other content types soon.

evs-chris commented 10 years ago

On 64bit win8 (drivers... can't linux without them) with a touchscreen, loading in chrome halts while it's trying to load dgrid/TouchScroll.js and dgrid/util/touch.js. Manually putting the files in the node_module lets chrome roll on. Firefox seems to work ok since it doesn't try to load those two scripts.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

wow crazy! thx for that report dude. especially since i am running on a linux touchscreen laptop and i dont have that problem. ill include the files in the build

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris i just released 0.1.8. i included the 2 files in the build. could you try it out? also does the the new folderview work on your end?

evs-chris commented 10 years ago

@soliton4 Starts right up in chrome now.

The folderview renders like the screenshot from the readme. If the folder is empty, it never gets any content though. I also don't get any scrollbars if there are more entries than will fit on both the details and list views. There's an overflow: hidden style on the dgrid scroller. It took a few minutes, but I stumbled across the list hack. If you don't mind a little css3, you could try something more along the lines of this:

That should act roughly like your standard small-icons file explorer view.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris i am not sure i understand your display issue. can you provide screenshots pls. the point of the folderview hack is that it provides a list that will have columns as broad as the width of the largest entry. like in default ubuntu folder view. or windows explorer list view your example does not provide that feature.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris ok i discovered a bug in the folder resize that causes the scrollbar to be messed up in some cases. i am making a new build right now. could you test it again pls? i will publish it in a few min.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris there 0.1.9 released

evs-chris commented 10 years ago

@soliton4 The list wraps into columns now, but there isn't a scrollbar unless I remove the overflow: hidden. Then it doesn't actually draw the scrollbar, but it still responds to clicks.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris pls provide screenshots

evs-chris commented 10 years ago


... and here with overflow turned back on and the list scrolled to the right


clicking on either end of the gray bar at the bottom scrolls the list

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris i dont really get the difference. i dont see a gray bar at the bottom. can you scroll using touch?

evs-chris commented 10 years ago

I can use touch scrolling, but it's 270 degrees off... swiping left and right do not work. Swiping up scrolls right and swiping down scrolls left. The mouse wheel doesn't seem to have any effect.


The poorly drawn red lines on the last image approximate where the scrollbar is. It could be a webkit rendering bug. It's reserving space for a vertical scrollbar on the horizontal space, but it can't apply the transform to the scrollbar.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

thx i tested it on a windows pc and it turns out the scrollbar is working but just not visible. its due to the -webkit-transform. when i take away the transform it looks like this: rotate

i wonder why the scrollbars only disappear in windows.

i will add a custom scrollbar to solve it.

ps: i see how this problem was almost impossible to communicate via text and screenshots only help a little. some bugs are so cracy you have to see them for yourself. anyway, keep in mind that when you report a bug i have no idea what is happening on your machine. phrases like "remove the overflow hidden" make only sense when you can describe a node specifically. eather by screenshoting the debugger or by naming the corresponding js elements in the widget.

pps: thx for reporting the bug

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@peters could you have a quick look at this thank you!

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris i just added a custom scrollbar can you test it with the github version? i dont want to publish to npm without tests.

scroll wheel works fine on my end. i dont know if i can do anything about the touch scroll. any idea?

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris release 0.1.11 you should have your scrollbar now. about the touch scroll: could i give you some test release so i can implement a proper touch scroll? i know what to do in theory but i dont have the testing environment

evs-chris commented 10 years ago

The scrollbar is there now.

I'm still very new to node, but I can give a test build a shot.

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris no worries no deep node knowledge neccessary. take a look at the directory where nodeMirror is installed should be node_modules/node-mirror go to the subdirectory src/client/dojo replace the file dojo.js with this: you should be able to download the file by doing "save link target as" on the page you dont even need to restart nodeMirror, just reload your browser. tell me what the touchscroll is doing.


soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris any luck? the changes are now part of the npm version. but i still need feedback

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@evs-chris are you still there?

Anachron commented 10 years ago

@soliton4 Custom scrollbars, how fancy. :+1: Good job, I think it's good so far.

(even though you should never apply as a web designer :D)

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

finally an answer even if not from the guy i asked about 5 times.

thx for testing @Anachron

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron well its pretty clear i am not a gui designer. i even point that out in the readme. please go ahead and propose a design. make some css adjustments we can integrate several designs with the them switcher.

Anachron commented 10 years ago

It would be awesome if you could manage your application with . That way you have a themeable app that isn't and won't spend ages with designing it :)

soliton4 commented 10 years ago

@Anachron yeah well looks like that framework is integrating jquery and i am really not a fan also i already based it on dojo and the dojo themeing works just fine. you can use less as much as you want so whats the big advantage of getuikit?

Anachron commented 10 years ago

It's something new :) I like it because it's not like bootstrap yet... Which invents awesome features and then removes it, for the sake of simplicity. And it looks good in modern browsers.

Will try to mess around with dojo. Never used that library before though.