solmoller / eversolar-monitor

Script to capture data and create statistics from Eversolar/zeversolar Solar Inverters. Includes easy install image files for Raspberry Pi. Working edition since 2012 :-)
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Image not working on Raspberry 3 or Zero W #25

Closed jessgade closed 6 years ago

jessgade commented 6 years ago


I've downloaded the image and tried it on both a raspberry 3 and a zero wireless - but my screen remains blank. The Zero blinks 7 consecutive times.

I havent got any of the older models. Anyone tried it with a version3 and/or a zero with success?

Regards Jess

EDIT: I've got it working by using the Raspbian image and installing the software via the guide - So one happy camper here.

solmoller commented 6 years ago

Unless other have the same problem I'll close this for now. I think it's probably as the base code in the image is old, so I'll need to opgrade and update the operating system. It's a pain, as I then have to shrink the image below 3,8 GB manually. Unless someone knows a nice tool ?