solmoller / eversolar-monitor

Script to capture data and create statistics from Eversolar/zeversolar Solar Inverters. Includes easy install image files for Raspberry Pi. Working edition since 2012 :-)
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d365 to influx for "Health of system" #35

Closed sorentorp closed 5 years ago

sorentorp commented 5 years ago

Hi I would like to add the d365 parameter to my InfluxDB, so that I can present the "health of my system" panel in Grafana.

What parameter would I be taking? I cant seem to find out if you store it in the sqlite database, then I would just be able to reuse that.

BTW - great project :-)

solmoller commented 5 years ago


d365 is not in the database, but with a little SQL knowledge you can probably convert this gem to fit your needs:

  my $stmt = "select min(e_total) as mins from inverter where timestamp  >=   date('now', '-365 day') and serial_number = '".$inverters{$inverter}{"serial"}."'";
            my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $stmt );
            my $rv = $sth->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;
             if($rv < 0){
               print $DBI::errstr;
            while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
                            print "etot = ". $row[0] . "\n";
            $d365 = $e_total-$row[0] ;

d365 is actually a quite good observation point - my system is apparently at an all time high :-)

sorentorp commented 5 years ago

I'm not that firm a coder - wouldn't it just be possible to call up "$d365"? My line to influx today is my $cmd =curl -is -XPOST "" --data-binary "inverter_Stats,Type=Energy,Interface=inverter PAC=$pac,EToday=$e_today_wh,ETotal=$e_total,Temp=$temp,VPV=$VPV,VPV2=$VPV2,IPV=$IPV2,IPV2=$IPV2,VAC=$VAC,IAC=$IAC,FREQ=$FREQUENCY";

and it doesn't seem to add any data when I use

my $cmd =curl -is -XPOST "" --data-binary "inverter_Stats,Type=Energy,Interface=inverter PAC=$pac,EToday=$e_today_wh,ETotal=$e_total,Temp=$temp,VPV=$VPV,VPV2=$VPV2,IPV=$IPV2,IPV2=$IPV2,VAC=$VAC,IAC=$IAC,FREQ=$FREQUENCY,D365=$D365";

solmoller commented 5 years ago

That should definitely work. Try writing out some debug code to console or using the logging system, so you see what you have defined at that time.

sorentorp commented 5 years ago

Works like a charm - thanks :-)

2018-09-10 09_39_11-grafana - eversolar google chrome